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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGTO007
Title EPRI Research Collaboration on Electric Transportation (P18)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 50%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2018
End Date 01 April 2019
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £70,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGTO007
Objectives The EPRI research programme on Electric Transportation (P18) covers three key areas, of which National Grid is interested in the following two: • Technical Research and DevelopmentThe electric transportation program wills provide fundamental information and the support necessary to bring the benefits of electrification to the vehicle transportation industry. Building from the results of the other two project sets within the programme, this project set incorporates key learnings into a collection of customisable tools, data collection, and impartial analysis that will enable us to determine the need for, and develop (if necessary) implementable vehicle transportation programs specific to our service territory. The elements provided through this research are key components for decisions and development of utility-specific electric transportation strategies and provide the basis for development of related tactics that, when implemented, may advance and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicle transportation technologies and the realisation of the subsequent benefits. There are four distinct projects in this area:• P18.044: EV Charging & Infrastructure Technology• P18.045: EV Grid Integration• P18.046: Commercial and Industrial Electric Transportation, Data Collection & Analysis• P18.047: Environmental Impacts & Analysis • Technical DeploymentThis project set concentrates on research related to short- and long-term electric vehicle (EV) charging and infrastructure technology, integration of EVs and EV charging with the grid, data collection and analysis of EV performance and driver behaviour, and commercial and industrial electric transportation, as well as the deep scientific understanding of the environmental and economic impacts of EVs and related analysis. All are needed to help provide us with the information required to make decisions in support of the EV market.• P18.043: PEV Infrastructure, Grid Impact, Environmental & Market Research, Analysis & Support EPRI research projects span across multiple years. Because of this approach, not all of the deliverables for this project will be in 2018. Nevertheless, there is scope for the delivery of a number of valuable outputs, reports and guidance documents in 2018. The full scope of research within each project is listed below:Technical Research and Development• P18.044: EV Charging & Infrastructure Technology: R&D will include the monitoring and/or evaluation of EV charging infrastructure, e.g., AC and DC charging stations, vehicle-to-home or vehicle-to-grid devices, smart charging, and related technologies.• P18.045: EV Grid Integration: R&D will include activities such as the development, deployment, and evaluation of smart EV charging, studying issues such as implications of TOU (Time Of Use) rates, demand response communications, costs, benefits, use cases etc. Additional potential activities will develop and deploy open standards implementation of V2G power and communications technologies as well EVs as Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). • P18.046: Commercial and Industrial Electric Transportation, Data Collection & Analysis: R&D will include potential activities such as the research, development, deployment, and evaluation of commercial and industrial electric transportation, including technology development, standards support and leadership, field demonstration, and data collection and analysis.• P18.047: Environmental Impacts & Analysis: This projectseeks to conduct accurate, impartial analysis and reporting of emissions related to the use of electric vehicles, as wells as provide tools to model future environmental impacts.Technical Deployment• P18.043: EV Infrastructure, Grid Impact, Environmental & Market Research, Analysis & Support: R&D will include potential projects such as developing localised; Geographic Information Systems (GIS) maps of charging stations (current and future), localized PEV sales projections, load boundary conditions from EV charging, a range of infrastructure requirements, PEV infrastructure cost impact model, and grid impacts: tools and analysis, localised environmental assessment, and economic benefits. The objectives for 2018 include the enrolment of National Grid onto EPRIs Electric Transportation Programme (P18) and the delivery of a selection of associated reports and guidance documents. Key deliverables include:• Technical Research and Development• P18.044: EV Charging & Infrastructure Technology: Research in this project set helps provide an impartial view of EV charging devices, networks, and related infrastructure, both short-term and long-term for plug-in vehicles of varying sizes and market segments to advance electrification of the transportation industry.• P18.045: EV Grid Integration: Research in this project will help provide, develop, and refine the fundamental background, standards and technology that will enable scalable open standards-based smart charging of EVs in a geographic area. This knowledge supports the smooth integration of EVs into the transmission system.• P18.046: Commercial and Industrial Electric Transportation, Data Collection & Analysis: R&D will include potential activities such as the research, development, deployment, and evaluation of commercial and industrial electric transportation, including technology development, standards support and leadership, field demonstration, and data collection and analysis.• P18.047: Environmental Impacts & Analysis: Research in this project will help provide, develop, and refine the understanding of the environmental impacts of electric vehicles, e.g., greenhouse gases, air quality, etc. through a deep and current understanding of the ET system. Technical Deployment• EV Infrastructure, Grid Impact, Environmental & Market Research, Analysis & Support: Impartial, scientific research, development, evaluation, and analysis of EV charging and related infrastructure technology are needed to help support the EV market.
Abstract N/A

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Added to Database 02/12/22