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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGTO028
Title EPRI Research Collaboration on Underground Transmission (P36+ P34 part) 2018 - 2021
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2018
End Date 01 April 2021
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £1,677,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGTO028
Objectives P34.004 - Underground Transmission Asset AnalyticsThis work package aims to provide decision support algorithms, tools and technologies based on evaluating current and future equipment performance by: designing, developing, populating, maintaining and extracting information from industry-wide databases to quantify historical performance developing condition assessment algorithms to understand existing performance developing metrics to better assess and evaluate equipment performance developing tools and methodologies to project future performance and manage risk P36.001 - Design, Construction, Ratings and Operation of Underground Transmission SystemsThis workstream will apply industry knowledge, enhance and validate existing solutions, and investigate and develop tools and technologies by adopting the following method: investigating transmission cable accessory performance issues and perform aging tests on outdoor terminations with composite insulation analysing field aged cables and accessories and collect failure and performance data to investigate long-term performance issues developing methodologies and software tools related to design, engineering, system planning, ratings and operations of underground cables investigating underground transmission vault inspection techniques to improve worker safety and reduce circuit outage requirements. P36.002 - Extruded Dielectric Cable SystemsThis work package will investigate methods and technologies for extruded dielectric transmission cable systems. Solutions are applicable to design, selection, installation, commissioning, testing, operation and maintenance of these systems. This work package aims to answer research questions and address industry questions through the following approach: laboratory testing to validate engineering design models and to understand failure mechanisms development and evaluation of innovative inspection and assessment tools, methods and technologies laboratory testing and field demonstration of developed or available diagnostic methods. P36.003 - Laminar Dielectric Cable SystemsThis work package will investigate and develop condition assessment methods and procedures for laminar dielectric cable systems. Efforts will focus on life extension, improved reliability, reduced operations and maintenance costs and improved support for asset management decision making protocols. This workstream will focus on: studying buried steel pipe coating degradation as a function of coating types, coating ages, pipe installation environments and stray current conditions evaluating and developing methods to effectively detect and mitigate coating damage investigating detection and mitigation techniques, and developing technical basis for best practices to improve effectiveness of cathodic protection systems evaluating and demonstrating advanced diagnostic techniques through laboratory testing to assess conditions of laminar dielectric cables. P36.006 - Technology Transfer for Underground TransmissionThis work package aims to assist in transferring EPRI research and development results to meet technical and educational requirements by: producing and updating the EPRI Underground Transmission Systems Reference Book (the Green Book) producing and updating the Increased Power Flow Guide Book (the Platinum Book). P36.008 - HVDC Cable SystemsThis work package aims to investigate and develop methods and tools for the effective application on HVDC cable technologies for system integrationand interconnection. This workstream will focus on: evaluation of operational practices in the application of HVDC cable technologies based on technical and economic benefits and increased power transfer capability requirements investigating and evaluating design tools for engineers to prepare feasibility studies and verify proposals and implementations evaluation of condition assessment, maintenance, inspection and fault location techniques to meet operation and maintenance requirements evaluation of cable insulation materials and ageing characteristics to extend the life of HVDC cables. The full scope of research within each project workstream for the duration of this project is listed below:P34.004 - Underground Transmission Asset AnalyticsAsset Characterisation & Performance Information Definition and Data Models for Utility-Wide Underground Transmission Asset Sharing: This task will develop and update the underlying data models of underground transmission cables, joints and terminations for efficient and effective collection of test diagnostics, performance and failure data for use in industry and utility database applications and performance analytics. The data model is utilised in the EPRI Industry-wide Database (IDB). The data models for cables, joints and terminations for extruded dielectric systems as well as cables for pipe-type cable systems will be updated. The data models for joints and terminations for pipe-type systems are anticipated to be added. Underground Transmission Failure and Performance Database: This task will compile and analyse historical failure and performance data on underground transmission assets in a common format using information gathered. Results will be distributed in the form of a subscription. Asset Health Algorithms Development of a Framework for Determining Underground Transmission Asset Conditions: This task will develop the underground transmission asset condition analytics framework that will include identifying inputs and outputs needed for asset condition aggregate ranking algorithms on components and lines. The framework will also address triggers (or alarms) of underground transmission assets for maintenance practices. This task is anticipated to begin with addressing pipe-type cable conditions. Asset Management Program Decision Support Asset Management Training and Knowledge Transfer: This task will provide utilities with training and knowledge transfer of EPRI R&D results on asset management through workshops, webcasts, and conferences. P36.001 - Design, Construction, Ratings and Operation of Underground Transmission Systems Investigate transmission cable accessory performance issues and perform ageing tests on outdoor terminations with composite insulation Analyse field aged cables and accessories and collect failure and performance data to investigate long-term performance issues Develop methodologies and software tools related to the design, engineering, system planning, ratings, and operations of underground cables Investigate underground transmission vault inspection techniques to improve worker safety and reduce circuit outage requirements. P36.002 - Extruded Dielectric Cable Systems Laboratory testing to validate engineering design models and to understand failure mechanisms Development and evaluation of innovative inspection and assessment tools, methods, and technologies Laboratory testing and field demonstration of developed or available diagnostic method P36.003 - LaminarDielectric Cable System Better understanding of failure mechanisms and prevention procedures will result in longer asset life, reduced customer outages, and lower operations costs Effective inspection and monitoring of assets may lead to increased asset utilization, rapid maintenance intervention prior to spontaneous failure, higher reliability, and lower repair costs New inspection techniques and tools may increase staff productivity and reduce overall maintenance costs. P36.006 - Technology Transfer for Underground Transmission Improved underground transmission system designs Improved cable project execution Retention and/or transfer of institutional knowledge P36.008 - HVDC Cable Systems Use of the reference books, design tools, and other investigative results will result in more effective designs and applications for power grid integration and interconnection Effective inspection and monitoring of assets may lead to increased asset utilization, rapid maintenance intervention, higher reliability, and lower repair costs Better understanding of failure mechanisms and prevention procedures will result in longer asset life, reduced customer outages, and lower operating costs P34.004 -: to provide effective decision support algorithms, tools and technologies to advance the understanding of the future performance of underground transmission. P36.001 -: to provide adequate tools and information for the design, construction, ratings and operation of underground transmission systems. P36.002 -: to investigate methods and technologies for extruded dielectric transmission cable systems and identify suitable solutions for application to the design, operation and maintenance of these systems. P36.003 -: to develop suitable condition assessment methods and procedures for laminar dielectric cable systems. P36.006 -: to support the transfer and adaptation of EPRI research and development results to meet technical and educational requirements. P36.008 -: to develop suitable methods and tools for system integration and interconnection for application on HVDC cable technologies.
Abstract The electricity industry faces challenges that National Grid recognises can be more effective and cost-beneficial if dealt with through international collaboration initiatives. In particular, challenges where solutions require statistically diverse data sets and/or significant trialling and testing in different environments, under various conditions and/or diverse ways.The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), with its wide international membership, is one of the routes through which this type of initiative can be delivered. This collaborative approach is beneficial to National Grid and our customers, providing valuable expertise and learning, which would be more expensive to formulate on an individual basis.This project supports two programmes of work: EPRI Underground Transmission Programme 36 (P36) and EPRI Transmission Asset Management Analytics Programme (P34). The outputs from these two programmes of work will provide the following: asset characterisation and performance data models and failure form Industry-wide transmission and substation asset failure and performance database framework for underground transformer asset management analytics report into Reliable Performance of Transmission Cable Accessories - Long-term Ageing Test underground transmission workstation: Functional and Technical Enhancements and Developments

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Added to Database 02/11/22