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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SSEPD_0026
Title Management of plug-in vehicle uptake on distribution networks
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 50%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Electricity North West Limited
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 March 2016
End Date 01 January 2018
Duration 22 months
Total Grant Value £430,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region North West
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Electricity North West Limited (99.994%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Western Power Distribution (0.001%)
Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (0.001%)
Project Contact , UK Power Networks (0.001%)
Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (0.001%)
Project Contact , Southern Electric Power Distribution plc (SEPD) (0.001%)
Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_SSEPD_0026
Objectives The principal objective of this project is to agree content to inform an Engineering Recommendation (or equivalent) with a number of influential stakeholders. Once agreed, the content can be passed to the ENA to endorse the agreed approach of managing PIV uptake on electricity distribution networks. The secondary objective will be to agree on the message and approach for communicating with the PIV buyer, the media and other key stakeholders. The success criteria are defined as: 1. Industry accepted solution for managing PIV uptake on distribution networks that will avoid significant infrastructure costs or disruption2. Industry accepted customer messaging strategy and recommendations for implementation
Abstract The evidence from the LCNF project I2EV, also known as "My Electric Avenue" suggests that the advent of plugged-in vehicles (PIVs) will cause an impact on the local electricity network, which could require investment by DNOs. Mapping and modelling of the I2EV results, a project which was funded through the LCNF Tier 2 mechanism, indicates that 312,000 GB LV feeders (around 30%) will need reinforcement by 2050. In addition, transformers and other upstream assets will need upgrading. Industry trends towards higher power charging for vehicles with increasing battery capacities may further exacerbate this issue. A demand side response solution, in the form of Esprit, has been shown to work, and to work sympathetically with the network, PIVs and people - albeit with one type of vehicle charge. It is likely that the roll out of this mechanism will facilitate increased numbers of PIVs that can connect onto the network without causing damage, in the most cost efficient and expedient fashion. The I2EV closedown report examines in detail the foregoing points. The future roll out needs consideration, specifically, the infrastructure / algorithm in the charging points needs to be rolled out ahead of need, and will require careful communications with customers. At present there is no standardised method of communicating with PIV chargers and a number of manufacturers have developed proprietary systems. Left alone, this will lead to a multitude of system types with little commonality which would make adoption of Esprit-type charge control much more difficult in the future. In order to ensure that Esprit is available when needed, we are setting out a plan, which will be developed through engagement across industry. There are two potential approaches: 1. Ensure the Esprit-type capability is included in PIV chargers as they are installed2. Retrofit Esprit-type capability to PIV chargers in target locations as a need arises These approaches require very different strategies and will rely on engagement between the automotive and utilities sectors - and customers - to ensure their success. There are questions to be answered about the balance between regulation and incentives to make this happen: A balance between ensuring a critical need is met, and ensuring that PIV charger manufacturers are rewarded for their input, and customers are rewarded for their contribution. This project has been developed to provide the optimum solution to these challenges. Currently there are numerous manufacturers of EV chargers on the market in Great Britain. Each is broadly proprietary and has varying ability to take external signals from the DNO to ramp down or switch off charging at times of peak network load. The purpose of this project is to define an ENA Engineering Recommendation (or equivalent) that will allow the range of future chargers to interact with a common device located in the local distribution substation for the purpose of load management on the network. It will require agreement on the approach (i.e. algorithm functionality) and communication channels, as well as any commercial arrangements (i.e. who pays for the infrastructure, who pays when the device is enacted in the future). In doing so, this Method will allow the DNO the ability to signal to vehicles into the future, avoiding either costly reinforcement, or the need to retrofit chargers for a communicable alternative when the need arises. Adoption mechanism: The key aim of this project is to present the engineering options to a set of stakeholders, with an understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of each, and seek opinions as to the most viable for all concerned. The project will then move towards a single most viable solution. It is at this point that consideration is given to the adoption mechanism. It is noted that this project does not seek to trial a solution and therefore will not have to hand the low level technical knowledge required to form a detailed engineering specification that would allow full interoperability between multiple vendors. This project will draft an Engineering Recommendation (or equivalent, e. g. IET Code of Practice) which, if adopted, would provide a signal to potential vendors of the functionality required by a DNO to manage PIV charging load. Before specifications can be drafted to such a level of detail to allow full interoperability between vendors it would be necessary to trial the solution, and through that, work through any implementation issues. This would ultimately ensure that the solution is fit for purpose and has been rigorously tested in the field. The outputs will be: 1. Provision of industry agreed material to inform an ENA Engineering Recommendation standard (or equivalent) available to third parties for supply and manufacture of the home end and the substation end controllers (the Solution). 2. Data to enable deployment of a standard (or equivalent) comprehensive enough to allow different vendors’ systems to be interoperable on the same LV network. A functional specification describing the system components and operation to allow vendors to produce a compliant Solution. 3. Evidence of UK EV industry acceptance of the standard’s (or equivalent) Solution components, including OEM engagement and clear path to adoption. 4. Customer Messaging Strategy to facilitate customer understanding and buy-in to PIV-network demand response tools to improve customer acceptance of the solution(s).Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 12/09/18