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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_WWU_071
Title DBS:Test, Review, Recommend
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SP Energy Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 March 2021
End Date 01 March 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £120,266
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.001%)
Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_WWU_071
Objectives This work is an initial test and review, to demonstrate that DBS can – or cannot – provide value to the GDNs. Its use in the UK is envisaged to be different to the main application in the US, and therefore work to determine the key application and the business case for those is required. The project will test the suitability of the DBS system to the UK market. Testing will be carried out in a representative environment to allow the networks to understand the capabilities of the system and build a business case for future use. A standards review will also be undertaken, this will form part of a gap analysis, which will enable networks to understand what is needed for formal accreditation / qualification for use of the systems on the network. WP1: Purchase Systems from Mueller GasTimescales for this have not been confirmed, but we have estimated 3 months from order to fulfilment of order in the UK. Information on what qualification work has been undertaken by Mueller will be gathered at this time as well. This will be reviewed and any concerns or gaps highlighted.Outcomes from this work pack will be:• Two DBS tools• Critical Review of Previous Qualification work from MuellerWP2: Initial Lab Use of DBSThis work pack will cover the initial uses of the tool by the Steer Team. Outcomes from this work pack will be:• Arrival of the DBS system• Basic learning in the system obtained by Steer to ensure the safe use of the tools. This will also inform what requirements for training will be needed for GDN staff.• Initial uses of the tools by the Steer teamWP3: Technical Review of Product through basic Operational Testing Small-scale testing and operation will be undertaken, this activity will give an initial hands-on feel for the suitability of the system for typical operations. Key to this project is understanding if the system can be used comfortably by key GDN staff in order to carry out the work. There are a number of different ways of testing this, but it is proposed to split this into 2 different routes:1. Carrying out a minimum of 20 different connections (for example, 10 straight line and 10 elbows) capturing time taken, challenges and concerns. This will provide a statistically relevant framework on which to build any business and safety case. This could include, for example:a. Time taken for each connection including redress and preparation of toolingb. Any unexpected leakage / pressure changec. Any debris left in the system2. Provide Operational review through WWU staff using the tool and providing feedback.a. This will take the form of hands-on operation and interviewsb. As well as time and technical appraisal, discuss and understand the perceived impact on safety during and after ops.Outcomes from this work pack will be:• Initial Operational Test Data• Qualitative responses from (lead) GDN on its suitability for intended use This will provide a technical review of the physical equipment and an assessment of its suitability for use. WP4: Determining key applications and Business CaseThis workpack seeks to highlight the potential range of applications for the tooling, and then to determine the business cases to support the funding of any future work. The business case will cover off both financial benefits to WWU but also the positive impacts on vulnerable customer that the innovation could bring.During this workpack, Steer will survey both Operational Teams (most likely during WP3), as well as Business leaders, to theopportunities for this tool. The applications highlighted will then be rated and Steer will work with WWU to develop the appropriate Business Cases. WP5: Review of findings and decision to proceedThis work pack will review the findings of the project to date and pull in the work from previous work packs in order to provide the framework for any decision to proceed with formal qualification onwards to a larger order of DBS systems. WP6: Standards mapping review regarding DBS and recommendations This work pack will be structured into 2 parts. Firstly, Steer alongside the GDNs, will conduct a Standards review, essentially a desktop review of the standards that the Mueller system has been accredited to in the US, and how that will transfer over to the current UK system. Secondly, using the information a gap analysis will be created, enabling recommendations for formal accreditation / qualification for use of the systems on the GDNs network or consumer side of the meter (to be carried out in Phase 2) to be created. Note that alongside this work, it is believed that significant work will have to be undertaken by the GDNs on demonstrating the safe use of bottled gas for the wider community. SGNs experiences in Oban will inform this work, as well as the ongoing work under SOFTPANG from NGN. Steer are not expecting to have input into this work, but the outcomes will be fed into this project. To provide an overview of the DBS system and understand if it allows a service relay to be carried out on external meters, without the need to disrupt the customers supply. It is anticipated that there are other uses for the product such as service governor replacements, as well improving the service offered to vulnerable customers. This project will explore all the opportunities the product can bring and present a business case which will encompass both financial benefits, as well benefits for vulnerable customers.
Abstract A project to assess the suitability to use the DBS system in the UK.

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Added to Database 02/11/22