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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SPT_1502
Title Distributed Photonic Grid Instrumentation
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD)
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 May 2015
End Date 01 May 2016
Duration 12 months
Total Grant Value £186,210
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_SPT_1502
Objectives Phase 1 - Sensor System Design Programme - 4. 5 months: This phase will involve the design and simulation, and production of a bill of materials, of the prototype optical sensors. This work will be in accordance with the sensor specifications detailed by IEC standards and in line with the expectations of theproject’s stakeholders. Synaptec will liaise with manufacturers of piezoelectric elements - a crucial component in the design of the sensors - in order to rigorously evaluate which materials exhibit an optimum balance between responsiveness and robustness to fluctuating outdoor environmental conditions. The design and simulation activity will ensure that assembled transducers shall be packaged and insulated appropriately for conditions in the target environment. Phase 1 DeliverablesD1. 1 Design / packaging specificationD1. 2 Bill of materials for transducers Phase 1 MilestonesM1. 1 Functional and physical specification of transducers completedM1. 2 Transducer design and simulation completed Phase 2 - Sensor Construction and Initial Testing - 4. 5 months: This phase will involve the assembly and testing of prototype sensor elements. This task will be managed by Synaptec, who will work with the University of Strathclyde and the sub-contractor Optocap Ltd to produce packaged sensors based on the designs produced in Phase 1. Assembly will be carried out primarily by Scottish optical packaging company Optocap Ltd, with intermediate testing performed at Synaptec’s facilities throughout the assembly procedure. This phase will ensure transducers are packaged and insulated appropriately for the target environment, and have the potential to progress into commercial manufacturing at the project conclusion. Phase 2 DeliverablesD2. 1 Prototype voltage/current sensorsD2. 2 Report on prototype evaluation and testing Phase 2 MilestonesM2. 1 Sensor array assembledM2. 2 Testing of prototype sensor array completed The following aspects of the project outputs will be used to assess whether the project has been a success and whether the performance of the innovation is as desired: The project physically demonstrates that standard fibre can be used to measure electrical parameters, i.e. the sensor concept is proven in the laboratory; The project physically demonstrates that this technology is capable of meeting the environmental and safety criteria expected by the target industry, as defined by IEC standards. The project delivers clear recommendations for further demonstration project(s). Produce a business case including validation of expected savings/benefits while complying with ESQCR
Abstract In the future, increased electricity demand and moves from large-scale centralised generation towards large penetrations of renewables will present challenges to monitoring, protection and control functions. There is an increasing requirement to "observe" the system more extensively in real-time and for faults to be dealt with more effectively (e.g. minimising further the removal of healthy system elements, requiring more measurement and isolation points) and with minimum delay (e.g. to preserve stability in "weaker" power systems). Protection of future transmission and distribution systems will present challenges, exacerbated by the fact that existing protection is largely based upon single measurement points located sparsely throughout the network. Synaptec Ltd is developing a unique technology (confirmed 07/2014 by UK IPO audit) which allows any standard telecommunication fibre to be utilised to measure a broad range of electrical and environmental parameters. These include voltage, current, vibration, temperature (ambient or surface), strain, and pressure, with only a single fibre needed to acquire all measurements (potentially 100 discrete sensors per fibre). The type of optical sensing element utilized are well-established in military and structural health monitoring applications due to their small size, light weight, EMI-immunity, and their ability to be multiplexed in high numbers along a single optical fibre. This innovation provides geographically-distributed measurements of current, voltage, vibration and temperature at a single interrogation point; enabling faster, more selective protection and enhanced monitoring of network conditions. The project will perform development work to progress the technology towards a field trial at 132 kV or above (candidate site identified) demonstrating multi-sensor operation integrated with existing Current Transformer (CT) and Voltage Transformer (VT) secondary circuits. The technology has a unique potential to drastically reduce network operators’ costs by eliminating conventional infrastructure expenditure associated with instrumentation for monitoring, control and protection. In certain applications, this technology may be able to cut costs by as much as 80% while minimising the ongoing maintenance and management of protection and measurement components. The technology is also capable of underpinning advanced network-wide monitoring and controls by providing a mechanism for the efficient and extensive instrumentation of the network at all voltage levels.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 09/08/18