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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SSEPD_0024
Title Network Optimisation Project (NOP)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Economics and Econometrics) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD)
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2016
End Date 01 October 2016
Duration 9 months
Total Grant Value £185,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Southern Electric Power Distribution plc (SEPD) (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_SSEPD_0024
Objectives The project will determine whether the optimisation tool offered by the selected supplier can result in more cost effective options for the undergrounding of overhead lines, in comparison to traditional network planning approaches. The project will be considered a success if it can determine whether the optimisation tool offered by the selected supplier can result in more cost effective options for the undergrounding of overhead lines, in comparison to traditional network planning approaches.
Abstract Distribution network operators plan networks using network planning principles and processes that have mainly been developed at times when optimisation tools were not available. It is believed that data analytics and optimisation techniques can bring benefits in the operations and investment decisions of network operators. SSEPD has committed to undergrounding 500km of 11kV overhead lines within RIIO-ED1. The traditional approach would involve prioritising the undergrounding of overhead lines based on historic fault performance and manual selection of a route for the proposed undergrounding work. Although the traditional approach is a well understood process focusing on compliance with relevant network planning standards, a network optimisation method would be able to assess a wider range of data and examine all options for the route selection through an automated process and could result in increased efficiency and improved network planning. The project aims to address the problem of undergrounding overhead lines in the trial site. In order to do so, the method will utilise an optimisation tool in order to produce optimal routes for undergrounding the overhead lines. The optimisation tool will optimise routes against a weighted balance of cost, time to construct, social acceptance and other parameters that will be defined during the course of the project. The optimisation tool will take into account data available to network operators (such as historic fault performance, construction costs, asset costs), consider network planning criteria and external constraints, process them through appropriate computing processes and produce a list of route options for undergrounding the overhead lines along with their anticipated performance against defined metrics. The outcome would provide the means to network operators to select the optimal option after aligning the produced route options with their strategic priorities. It is anticipated, that if the method is successful, it will increase the cost efficiency to network operators and the customers.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 14/09/18