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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA2_SGN0030
Title HyCompact Laboratory Testing
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 September 2022
End Date 31 August 2023
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £133,333
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.001%)
Project Contact , SGN - Southern England (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.000%)
Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA2_SGN0030
Objectives "This project will use Kiwas Dynamic Heat Loss Test Rig (DHLTR) facility. The DHLTR has been designed to enable performance of wet heating appliances to be measured under dynamic demand conditions. This enables the performance of appliances to be evaluated under conditions typical of the way in which they are operated in normal use.Testing will be carried in 3 phases:1. Characterisation of hybrid operation2. Testing of hybrid with default control system3. Testing of hybrid with PassivSystems control systemCharacterisation of hybrid operation Characterise heat pump performance (COP) with no boiler operation, at a variety of operating conditions (external temperatures and flow temperatures)Characterise heat pump performance (COP) in the presence of boiler operation, under the same set of operating conditions (and perhaps also different levels of boiler operation), to understand how boiler operation improves heat pump performance (i.e. efficacy of heat recovery)Optionally (if gas metering available), also characterise gas boiler performance (efficiency) at a variety of operating conditionsThe hybrid will be operated at a range of external conditions varying load and distribution of heat provider. This data will be used to optimise the PassivSystems control system; the key characteristic is how boiler operation improves heat pump efficiency. This is a very important number to understand, but something that is not covered by the product datasheets and is very difficult to infer from deployments in real houses.Instrumentation will be required to be placed within the appliance to monitor temperatures, and heat metering will also be necessary.Testing of hybrid with default control systemThe hybrid system will be tested at a range of external temperatures and for 2 different property types, these being an average sized house and a smaller property. The test conditions will seek to represent the heating load during average spring, average autumn, average winter and more extreme winter conditions. When using conventional boiler systems, the user would normally set heating to bimodal operation during the spring/autumn periods and unimodal operation during the winter and continuously on during an extreme winter period. However, with more advanced controls systems, especially those using predictive control and weather information, these periods will become somewhat blurred.Testing of hybrid with PassivSystems control systemThis part of the test programme would mirror the hybrid testing with the default control system. However, since the PassivSystems controller learns from the behaviour of the property it is necessary to do a number of pretest learning days of operation.Data Quality StatementInput data for this project will adhere to data quality dimensions as set out by the Government Data Quality Hub:Accuracy: Data reflects reality. High data accuracy allows us to produce reliable analysis.Completeness: All the data required for a particular use is present and available to be usedUniqueness: A measure of the number of duplicates. Unique records build trust in the dataConsistency: Data values do not conflict with other values within a record or across different data set. Consistent data improves the ability to link data from multiple sources. This, in turn, supplements your data set and increases the utility of the data.Timeliness: Whether the data is available when expected and needed.Validity: the extent to which the data conforms to the expectedformatKey input data for this research will be the simulated climatic conditions and building characteristics e.g. size, heat loss coefficient, radiator system.Recorded data will include gas consumption, electricity consumption, water flows and temperatures in the circuits, the temperatures of the environmentally controlled enclosures, thermostat activity and many ancillary measurements.The final data will be collated and reviewed in a final report to be made available on completion of the test work.Measurement quality statementEach test will be carried out over 1 day and to ensure thermal stability conditions at start and end of test will be matched as closely as possible. Data will be logged every 10 seconds during the test period. Each test will start (and finish) at a consistent simulated time to provide a consistent start point, but this may have to be altered to match control systems taking weather data from the internet or using a real date/time to anticipate likely weather conditions.Given the low technology readiness scale of this project additional peer review is required for this project." "The project will use a dynamic heat load test rig to investigate the use of different control systems on a novel hybrid boiler/heat pump system. This will allow networks to develop an understanding of how the smart control system may impact on consumer demand before applying new demand profiles to network models. This scenario modelling will give an insight into impacts on the network including; asset sizing, operating pressures etc.An understanding of the network impacts and value to the decarbonisation pathway will be essential to both inform policy decisions on support of smart hybrid technology and ensuring the network is able to efficiently accept the technology roll out if this is to occur." "The objectives of this project are set out below:Characterisation of hybrid operation The hybrid will be operated at a range of external conditions varying load and distribution of heat provider: Characterise heat pump performance (COP) with no boiler operation, at a variety of operating conditions (external temperatures and flow temperatures)Characterise heat pump performance (COP) in the presence of boiler operation, under the same set of operating conditions (and perhaps also different levels of boiler operation), to understand how boiler operation improves heat pump performance (i.e. efficacy of heat recovery)Optionally (if gas metering available), also characterise gas boiler performance (efficiency) at a variety of operating conditionsTesting of hybrid with default control system Testing of the hybrid system at a range of external temperatures for 2 different property types, these being an average sized house and a smaller property. The test conditions will seek to represent the heating load during average spring, average autumn, average winter and more extreme winter conditions.Testing of hybrid with PassivSystems control systemThis part of the test programme would mirror the hybrid testing with the default control system. This will require a number of pre-test learning days of operation.Comparison of the different control systemsA technical report and presentation will be produced, summarising the findings and implications of the testing programme."
Abstract "This project will carry out laboratory-based testing of a novel hybrid boiler/heat pump system, combined with a smart control system to provide a view of potential network impacts of large scale roll out of the technology.An understanding of the network impacts and value to the decarbonisation pathway will be essential to both inform policy decisions on support of smart hybrid technology and ensuring the network is able to efficiently accept the technology roll out if this is to occur."

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Added to Database 01/11/23