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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA2_NGESO041
Title Model-driven Strategy for Balancing Optimisation (MSBO)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid plc
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 April 2023
End Date 30 June 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £690,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid plc (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA2_NGESO041
Objectives "This project aims to develop an Underpinning Balancing Model (UBM) and map existing manual processes to analytical equations aligned with the UBM. The project will undertake desk-based research, delivered in two concurrent work packages. The first 6 months of the project will focus mainly on the current balancing system design, aiming to formulate the balancing challenges holistically. This will be achieved by identifying and gathering the required sources of data and information needed for the project, primarily expected to be documentation on existing Balancing processes. Access to required information will be requested through clearly documented information requests to NGESO and will be shared following the relevant data sharing requirements for confidential information. The following 9 months will cover tasks that focus on candidate future system design, with the UBM facilitating continuity of a holistic approach to problem formulation. Whilst it is not possible to provide absolute certainty over the correctness of the Underpinning Balancing Model (UBM) formulation without also creating and thoroughly testing a software implementation of it (out of scope for this project), it is possible to provide a level of assurance which is sufficient based on the following criteria: Expertise (internal) The project delivery team has significant prior experience in working with domain experts and creating model formulations as part of delivering optimisation capability in operational environments, including energy systems.Review (internal) The project delivery team has carried out and satisfied an internal review of the UBM.Review (independent) Another team within the Smith Institute independent of the team delivering the MSBO project has carried out and satisfied an independent review of the deliverable.Review (independent) Domain (balancing) experts from the ESO have carried out and satisfied an independent review of the UBM.Knowledge (joint) Agreement reached between the ESO and Smith Insitute that there is a mapping between the current balancing system design and the more general formulation of balancing within the UBM. The reviews (both internal to the team and independent of the team) should look to answer the following questions of the model formulation: Is the UBM a sufficiently complete representation of the requirements of energy balancing?Is the UBM suitable for its intended uses, i.e.: facilitating understanding of the current balancing system and underpinning strategic decisions about the candidate future balancing system designs?Is the UBM mathematically sound?Is there sufficient explanation - together with supporting examples – to make the UBM understandable and accessible to the expected range of stakeholders? The project reports delivered will be made available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal, and dissemination material will be shared with the relevant stakeholders. Data and methodologies used and developed throughout the project will be clearly documented within the relevant deliverables, which are structured in the following work packages: Work Package 1: Building foundations of the MSBO This WP will address the core of the UBM, using a novel mathematical modelling approach to articulate the current balancing system. Future system designs will also be articulated based on the top-level view afforded by the UBM, guiding implementation strategies for future system modernisation. The tasks within this WP are broken downas follows, each delivering a report and presentation at completion: WP1.1 – UBM initial formulation - Mapping of current balancing system including manual components, and mathematical formulation of key components. WP1.2 – Candidate future system design(s) - Identification of additional control room challenges and needs that should be incorporated into a future system design, and mapping of new components into existing system.WP1.3 – UBM iteration and refinement - Mathematical formulation of all components including new components. Work Package 2: Holistic problem formulation for current and future balancing system design(s) This WP will deliver design specific problem formulations for current and future system design, including control room challenges and needs such as reserve and response setting, rate of change of frequency, constraints, interconnectors, locational margin pricing etc. Engagement with market participants through the ESO will also be undertaken as part of this activity. The tasks within this WP are broken down as follows, each delivering a report and presentation at completion: WP2.1 – Problem formulation for current system design - Mapping of how to split current balancing system into sub-systems which could be individually optimised, mathematical formulation of individual optimisation problems, and design of how these optimisation problems will interactWP2.2 – Problem formulation for future system design - Mapping of how to split future balancing system into sub-systems which could be individually optimised, mathematical formulation of individual optimisation problems, and design of how these optimisation problems will interact. In line with the ENAs ENIP document, the risk rating is scored Low: TRL Steps = 1 (2 TRL steps)Cost = 2 (£500k - £1m)Suppliers = 1 (1 supplier)Data Assumptions = 1Total = 5 (Low) " This project will formulate the energy balancing system holistically, aiming to develop a UBM and map existing manual processes to analytical equations. This will consider a top-down approach and articulate the entire balancing problem with a bespoke mathematically rooted language. By acquiring critical understanding for the ESO of the significant complexities in the current and future balancing system and markets, the project will enable the development of the analogous future strategy for balancing optimisation functionality to sit alongside the existing IT strategy for hardware and architecture. "Construct the UBM using analytical equations to articulate the current balancing programmeArticulate future system design based on top-level view afforded by the UBMDeliver design specific problem formulation for current and future balancing system design "
Abstract As energy systems fundamentally change in a way not seen before, radical systems-level thinking is critical to adapt. The current balancing process is highly manual, placing increasing pressures on engineers. To overcome this, the ESO needs to design and develop optimisation tools that improve advice to the control room engineer. This project will deliver a consistent modelling approach to progressively handle new components and components that are currently resolved manually. The project aims to develop an Underpinning Balancing Model (UBM) and map existing manual processes to analytical equations aligned with the UBM. This will help develop a strategic approach to address control room challenges and needs, holistically formulating the balancing problem and informing future system design within a coherent mathematical framework.

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Added to Database 18/10/23