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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/D080223/1
Title Consortium on Computational Combustion for Engineering Applications
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Coal, Coal combustion) 10%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Bio-Energy, Applications for heat and electricity) 10%;
Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Oil and gas combustion) 80%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Professor K Luo
No email address given
School of Engineering Sciences
University of Southampton
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 19 June 2006
End Date 18 March 2010
Duration 45 months
Total Grant Value £95,024
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Programme Materials, Mechanical and Medical Eng
Investigators Principal Investigator Professor K Luo , School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Dr KW (Karl ) Jenkins , School of Engineering, Cranfield University (0.001%)
Dr A Kronenburg , University of Stuttgart, Germany (0.001%)
Web Site
Abstract Combustion meets more than 90% of the mankind's needs for energy today and will remain the predominant source of usable energy for the foreseeable future. The dual requirements for high energy efficiency and minimal pollution for sustainable developments place an urgent demand on better understanding of and more accurate predictive tools for combustion processes. With its inherent complex and interdisciplinary nature, combustion is a major challenge for the science and engineering research communities, which can only be met through collaborative research using the most advanced tools available. Over the past decade, High End Computing (HEC) has been a driving force for deploying advanced numerical and modelling tools for fundamental and applied combustion research. The Consortium on Computational Combustion for Engineering Applications (COCCFEA) has been at the forefront of joint exploitation of HEC resources for the advancement of combustion science and technology over a decade, which has benefited immensely from EPSRC's strategic investment in HEC. A new grant is sought to continue its work, with the aim of exploiting HPCx and in particular, the proposed HECToR to tackle more realistic combustion problems in engineering applications as well as emerging topics related to sustainability, security and micro and nanotechnologies. New emphasizes are placed on integration of methods and tools, training of PhD students and dissemination of results at the highestlevel

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