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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SPEN0003
Title Enhanced Real-Time Cable Temperature Monitoring
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Wind Energy) 50%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SP Energy Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 April 2015
End Date 01 May 2017
Duration 25 months
Total Grant Value £995,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_SPEN0003
Objectives The objectives of this project are: Use 12 month period cable temperatures of wind farm circuits to demonstrate the additional network capacity and boost the confidence in deploying cable temperature monitoring systems. Design the ANM system informed by real-time cable temperatures. Provide recommendations for full business adoption of DTS system. Disseminate the key lesson learnt within SPEN and to other UK DNOs. Production of the data analysis report on at least a 12-month period which includes identifying the thermal pinch points and their causes and recommendations for elevation of thermal constraints. Designing an ANM system informed by real-time cable temperatures. Providing recommendations for developing and updating relevant policy documents for adopting DTS in full business as usual. Receiving feedback from other UK DNOs on dissemination of findings and lessons learnt
Abstract Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) has installed a distributed temperature sensing (DTS) technology, under the Tier 1 LCN Funding mechanism, for monitoring the real-time temperature of cable circuits connected to different wind farms in South Lanarkshire. The project was called "Temperature monitoring windfarm cable circuits" SPT1005 and it initially included monitoring temperature of three 33kV ducted cable circuits which partly share the same trench. One of the 33kV circuits, however, is not scheduled to be energised until the 2nd quarter of 2015. A fourth 33kV cable circuit was laid in the same trench as the other circuits during the project. Consequently, due to the delay in commissioning all the cable circuits, the cable temperature monitoring trial did not see the full impact within the Tier 1 LCNF SPT1005 project’s life-time. It is important to enhance the learning from this trial by carrying out additional analysis on the recorded temperature data when all of the four 33kV cable circuits are energised. This analysis can help to identify the thermal pinch points and their causes along the cable circuits. Learning from data analysis will also inform day to day cable laying activities and the process for estimating network headroom. In order to boost the confidence in the implemented DTS system, dynamic cable rating (DCR) calculations and fully capture the thermal behaviour of the cable circuits, the cable temperature data for at least a 12-month period covering different weather conditions and season affects in conjunction with full generation conditions should be considered. The main benefit of deploying a real-time cable temperature monitoring system can be achieved in an Active Network Management (ANM) application where the outputs of generators are controlled based on the available real-time network capacity. Building up on previous learning points from SPEN’s ANM trials, the requirements for integrating a DTS system into an ANM architecture and transition to full business adoption need to be identified. The relevant internal policy documents also need to be updated. For a successful integration to Business as Usual (BaU), an end-to-end solution covering from the design phase to day-to-day operation should be considered. This project provides an opportunity to investigate all of these requirements and make all the necessary preparations for operating the wind farm cable circuits based on DCRs as aBaU practice. The methodology used in this project will be research, development and demonstration. The project will be conducted under five work packages as follows: Work package 1 - System Enhancement The performance of the DTS system will be enhanced based on the issues identified in the previous Tier 1 LCNF "Temperature monitoring windfarm cable circuits" SPT1005 project. This will include reporting the critical data to PI (SPEN data historian), carrying out further system diagnostic tests, and validating dynamic cable rating calculations. Work Package 2 - Data Analysis A comprehensive data analysis will be conducted on the historic cable temperature data in conjunction with wind farms’ outputs for at least a 12-month period. This analysis will aim to investigate the causes of thermal pinch points causes along the cables, seasonal cable temperature profiles and potential cable headroom. The outcomes of the data analysis will be also used to provide recommendations on futurecable route planning and the tools required for estimating the available firm and non-firm network capacity for future connection applications. Work Package 3 - Application in an ANM System The requirements for application of real-time cable temperature monitoring in an ANM system will be investigated. In order to avoid duplication, the ANM system, which SPEN has already trialled in Tier 2 LCNF "Accelerating Renewable Connection"( ARC) project, will be considered as the base model, but further developments for integrating real-time cable monitoring will be recommended. The main outcome of this work package will be the specifications of an ANM architecture informed by the DTS system. The benefit of the proposed ANM system will be demonstrated through desktop analysis based on historic data and examples of existing connections. Work package 4 - Dissemination The outcomes and lessons learnt from this project will be disseminated through organising internal and external workshops with other UK DNOs. Work Package 5- Transition to Business as Usual In order to prepare a DTS system for full business adoption, relevant policy documents will be identified and recommendations for modifying them will be made. The policy documents and technical recommendations should provide clear guidelines for DTS equipment specification, design phase practices and rolling out the DTS system within SPEN for future generation connections.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 14/08/18