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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SPT_1609
Title The Planning Data Exchange System between Network Licensees to Enable a Smarter Grid
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SP Energy Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2017
End Date 01 January 2022
Duration 60 months
Total Grant Value £950,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_SPT_1609
Objectives The objective is to provide the SO with greater visibility of what is happening on distribution networks in operational planning and design planning timescales. This will enable more frequent data exchanges, increasing from the current situation of annual data exchanges to (up to) daily exchange of data. This will in turn Key learnings (Criteria) from delivery of this project includes: Software Interface List, and Communication Specifications; Flow Chart on How to implement an Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) system between DNOs, TOs and GBSO; Publications on How to apply Common Information Model (CIM) standards to achieve a consistent data modelling specification
Abstract DNOs and National Grid have a long track record of successful interaction in operational planning and investment planning co-ordination. However, the expected uptake of low carbon technologies and the advent of the Smart Grid will impact on the required level of interaction between the DNO and the SO in the future. Greater interaction will be necessary as distributed energy resources (DER) become increasingly required to provide not just energy but whole-system services as well. For example, embedded generation, demand response and energy storage, along with distribution system services can contribute to system balancing. To achieve this, "full coordination across the SO/DSO boundary" will be required, as noted by the IET(1). Presently, operational and planning information is transferred between the DNOs and SO in accordance with Grid Code requirements. For example, DNOs provide "Week 24" network planning data to National Grid annually and in return, National Grid supplies "Week 42" data, which is a network-equivalent data model for fault level assessments. The "Week 24 Authorised Network Model" is an official snapshot in time of the distribution network and sets the baseline for all subsequent data exchange. This model includes all the detailed network data, including topology, connectivity, electrical parameters, and all embedded generation up to 1MW. It also contains the long-term (i.e.>12 months) demand and generation forecasts. Network changes (such as planned reinforcements and planned outages) are then represented relative to this baseline. These changes are date stamped and this information is updated and sent to the SO regularly. Short-term demand and generation forecasts make use of information and estimates associated with The "Week 24 Authorised Network Model" is updated annually, having been checked against data held in the main data repositories (i.e.Power-On, GIS, SAP) for changed connectivity and new electrical parameters). It is recognised1 that future distribution system planning will require more extensive studies and forecasting to assess the performance of systems with increased levels of generation and to realise the potential whole-system benefits from distributed energy resources. The suggested requirement for more detailed models spanning transmission and distribution systems(2) is likely to necessitate the transfer of more information more frequently between the SO/TO and DNO. The existing method of information collection and submission between the DNO and SO is highly dependent on key personnel extracting data from a number of different systems manually. Furthermore, the analysis of the data is undertaken in uniform manner without taking into account the characteristics of the DNO region. This process is not sustainable when the requirement for more frequent transfers of a richer set of information outlined above is taken into consideration. (1) http: //www. theiet. org/sectors/energy/documents/modelling-6. cfm?type=pdf(2) http: //www. theiet. org/sectors/energy/documents/cst-part1-main. cfm?type=pdf A holistic approach is required to clarify the existing and future roles of DNO, TO and SO in an involving (but also changing at accelerated pace) energy sector. This project is aiming to provide a tool to facilitate such a transition. Based on the existing work and completed innovation projects at ENA (Workstream 7, P2/6 Review Group), this project is to put in practice the recommendations from different sources (including European organisations) on this regard. DNO, TO will work closely with SO to agree a fit-for-purpose specification, and trial the solution, to accommodate the flexibility and future requirements of data exchange between the three parties ( and between different software platforms). The project is proposed to have a phased approach: 1) Design and Specification Stage; (2 years, Budget of £450k)2) Delivery Stage3) Trial, Review and Improvement4) Future Rollout During the first stage, a summary of the existing practices and efforts at individual companies will be documented to detail the potentials and ensure that efforts are proportional to the likely outcome; It is also within the scope of stage 1 to generate a specification to enable the planning data transfer (including software platform specifications and the ICT (communication infrastructure) specifications. Another important outcome from Stage 1 will be a criteria list for the trial area (and condition of the existing infrastructure). Based on the comments/feedbacks from this stage, the following stages (stages 2-4) will see the delivery and trial of the method. The key learning will be captured and disseminated along the process. It was estimated that the overall budget would be in the order of £1.2m including in-kind support.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 17/12/18