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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SSEPD_0001
Title DISCERN Knowledge Transfer
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SP Energy Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 February 2013
End Date 01 May 2016
Duration 39 months
Total Grant Value £100,026
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_SSEPD_0001
Objectives The objectives of SEPD’s participation in DISCERN are:; Knowledge relating to a range of Smart Grid sub-functionalities obtained from other partners’ research & demonstration sites and from simulations, provided through DISCERN deliverables and simulation outputs; Increased understanding of how much intelligence to incorporate on a distribution network and the replicability & scalability of solutions across different networks, provided through DISCERN deliverables and simulation outputs; Development and experience of implementing Use Case & SGAM methodologies and related design tools such that these can be applied within the business beyond DISCERN use and contribution can be made to GB industry discussions on SGAM use; development and experience of implementing a comprehensive semantic model; Representation of GB DNO interests within the European FP7 project, provision of GB relevant networks for simulation modelling, and feeding relevant developments and information on the direction of work undertaken in Europe to GB industry bodies The DISCERN Knowledge Transfer project will be considered successful when:; studies and research directly relevant to SEPD, which is beyond the scope of areas to be addressed within NTVV, is made available for incorporation into both business and innovation strategic thinking; knowledge relating to a range of Smart Grid sub-functionalities not yet being investigated within the business is made available from other FP7 DISCERN partners’ research & demonstration sites and from simulations, supporting decisions on how networks are built, managed and operated; knowledge of such factors as systems architecture, Use Cases & SGAM, semantic models and CIM, is improved across operational and innovation areas of the business, as well as ICT, such that it is possible to take a view on the potential development, relevance and applicability of such approaches within the business from a BAU perspective; SEPD has successfully met all of its obligations as a project partner to the FP7 DISCERN project, and ensured that project outputs do not go against GB interests, specifically those forming recommendations to standards authorities
Abstract It is the aim of the European FP7 DISCERN (Distributed Intelligence for Cost-Effective and Reliable Distribution Network Operation) collaborative project to assess the optimal level of intelligence in the distribution network and to determine the technological options that will allow cost-effective and reliable observability and controllability of the future distribution networks in Europe on a replicable and scalable basis. DISCERN draws together a number of projects, each looking at different Smart Grid functionalities, to assess technical and architectural approaches and develop effective recommendations and solutions for application on electricity distribution networks on a business as usual basis. NIA funding will not be used for hardware installation. Rather, the project leverages learning from the LCNF Tier 2 New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project through the FP7 DISCERN project to gain additional learning from European partner projects on a broader range of Smart Grid functionalities. This extended information and experience will strengthen learning from the NTVV project, thereby increasing learning for all GB DNOs. The £250k IFI/NIA project facilitates SEPD’s participation in the £6. 3m European FP7 DISCERN project, for which over 50% is funded from the European Commission; with the remaining costs being met by DISCERN project partners. SEPD’s participation in the FP7 DISCERN project provides access to the significant resources provided by the project partners themselves and the broad range of solutions implemented by DSO/DNOs in their demonstration site projects. In keeping with the preceding IFI project, this NIA project is focused on Knowledge Transfer. By participating in DISCERN, SEPD has and will continue to leverage greater understanding from a broad range of external projects and benefit from shared experience and expertise, drawing knowledge from across Europe. The European FP7 DISCERN project consortium comprises five major DSO/DNOs, technology providers, research institutes and technical consultancy. The collaboration builds on five demonstration projects operated by the DSO/DNOs, who are each similarly contributing to the DISCERN project. The associated demonstration site projects use a range of innovative technological approaches to achieve differing Smart Grid functionalities which address different challenges. The project focuses on a refined list of the Smart Grid sub-functionalities that form the high-level Smart Grid services defined by EU Commission Smart Grid Task Force. Each partner DSO takes on a role of Leader, Learner or Listener with regard to each of these sub-functionalities, referred to as the ‘3L’ approach, with roles defined as follows:; Leading DSOs bring their experience of solutions that have already been implemented to investigate a specific Smart Grid sub-functionality - SEPD is a Leader for the monitoring sub-functionality, drawing on the NTVV project; Learning DSOs will implement a new technical solution for a sub-functionality within DISCERN; Listening DSOs will observe findings relating to sub-functionalities that they wish to gain knowledge on but for which they have not yet implemented a solution - SEPD is a Listener for other sub-functionalities under consideration The sub-functionalities under consideration within DISCERN are:B6 Enhanced monitoring and control of MV/LV network - SEPD role as ListenerB7bd Real time monitoring of LV grid - SEPD role as LeaderB9a Optimized AMR data collection and analysis using virtualised as well as physical concentratorsB9b Calculation and separation of non-technical losses - SEPD role as ListenerC12b Aggregating flexible loads for power flow control and congestion management - SEPD role as ListenerC12c Use of flexible storage for power flow control ancillary service - SEPD role as Listener To allow demonstration site solutions to be compared and communicated between partners, both Leader and Learner solutions are documented using tools developed within the FP7 DISCERN project to facilitate use of the Use Case methodology set out in international standard IEC 62559-2, and the SGAM (Smart Grid Architectural Model) framework defined by the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Working Group for Smart Grids. DISCERN will use the data and information available from partners and demonstration sites to undertake a range of investigations, studies, modelling simulations and assessments through a series of Work Packages. Comparative assessments, guided by the defined Key Performance Indicators, will evaluate the range of technological options, solutions and operational processes considered within the project. Factors affecting the Replicability and Scalability of the solutions in different network contexts will be assessed, and commercial and regulatory aspects will be considered, leading to the development of recommendations for replicable and scalable solutions. Further, simulations will be undertaken by project partners using models of SEPD network areas to investigate the specific application of technologies to SEPD networks in a simulation environment. Data from the NTVV project provides input to the FP7 DISCERN project, with knowledge and experience contributed by means of workshops, structured questionnaires, interviews and reports. As with other DSO project partners, SEPD will contribute information relating to technological, operational, financial and regulatory issues, requiring the collation of DISCERN relevant data and coordination of activities of experts from across the business. This NIA project will facilitate both the coordination and contribution of data and information to the main DISCERN project across the full suite of DISCERN Work Packages, as well as the development and review of the methodologies to be applied and the project conclusions and outputs to be delivered. Such participation will ensure that direct benefits can be obtained in terms of additional research beyond that occurring within the NTVV project, and that the broader findings of the FP7 DISCERN project are available to us for dissemination internally and to the wider UK industry.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 09/08/18