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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_UKPN0045
Title Shift
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 25%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 75%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
UK Power Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2019
End Date 31 October 2021
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £1,295,500
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , UK Power Networks (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , UK Power Networks (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_UKPN0045
Objectives Smart charging has the potential to unlock flexibility that will help defer reinforcement. The SmartCAR project has shown that market led approaches to smart charging have the ability to provide the necessary response to network needs. This project will investigate how market led approaches can work in practise and specifically, how DNOs can enable the market to manage smart charging in response to price signals.Since the preliminary CBA for Shift was delivered in 2019, a separate UK Power Networks project to deliver a more advanced forecasting tool was commenced and this is now nearing completion. The tool will be capable of modelling the impact of electric vehicles and smart charging on the LV network and will more accurately assess the potential for smart charging to address LV constraints than the original approach proposed for Shift. As well as develop inputs to the forecasting tool, Shift will carry out analysis to compare the three mechanisms trialled.The Shift project duration has been extended by six months so the newly developed forecasting tool can be used for the Shift CBA which will lead to more robust results. Shift will be responsible for developing inputs into the forecasting tool. Analysis originally planned to assess and compare the three mechanisms trialled will continue as planned. To account for the more efficient approach to the CBA, a greater focus will be given to assessing the customer behaviour and the impact of coronavirus. The project extention can be accomodated within the existing Shift project budget. Smart Charging Market Trials will run trials to investigate market-led approaches to smart charging, identified through SmartCAR project. These could include for example:1. Price-based mechanisms (ToU DUoS bundled together with capacity prices)2. Procurement mechanisms (Flexibility procurement bundled together with third party load management)UK Power Networks will engage and work with project partners to develop customer propositions that deliver against network needs, and design and implement the commercial, technical and regulatory mechanisms required to support them. Structured trial phases will then be carried out to develop reliable datasets that can be used to inform industry decision making. Learning will be disseminated via reports and engagement events/meetings. This project aims to:1. Stimulate the development of market-led smart charging solutions, working with market participants to develop, enable and trial attractive customer propositions2. Develop and test processes, systems components and commercial arrangements to enable these propositions3. Understand customer response to the designed propositions and network impacts in a controlled environment4. Develop a scalable solution that can be expanded to a larger volume of customers and drive benefit ahead of regulatory reforms, and5. Inform Ofgems longer-term access and network charging reform.
Abstract Electric vehicle (EV) uptake is set to surge, and to enable this we must either reinforce the network or will need customers to be flexible around when they charge their cars. Indicatively, without flexible arrangements, we expect to see peak demand growing approximately up to 10% at secondary substations by the end of RIIO-ED1 and up to 30% by the end of the 2030s. This is based on the load impact analysis done at Recharge the Future project at primary substation level, which was then translated into secondary substation level. The majority of this growth will be driven by the uptake of EVs connecting to the LV network. This is an unprecedented pace of growth that will require a step-change in the way we manage the LV network. In the absence of smart solutions, this growth in demand will trigger the need for reinforcement on the network which will be paid by network customers. UK Power Networks is strategically looking at procuring flexibility as alternative to traditional reinforcement and is adopting a flexibility first approach to delivering additional network capacity, which will lead to lower costs and increased renewable energy on the network through more competition. In this context, UK Power Networks has a key role in stimulating the market for flexible services and helping to reduce customers bills.Specifically, smart charging of EVs has the potential to unlock flexibility at LV level, therefore deferring a proportion of the required reinforcement associated with the uptake of EVs. UK Power Networks project Smart Charging Architecture Roadmap (SmartCAR) has developed feasible designs for market-led smart charging. However, this has not yet been demonstrated in practice, therefore it is now the time to engage with the market and mobilise trials to explore how these designs will work in reality, and to deploy the smart solutions required on network level to enable smart charging.

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Added to Database 02/11/22