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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NPG_029
Title Pragmatic Security
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources 10%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Energy system analysis) 15%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electric power conversion) 25%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 25%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Energy storage) 25%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Northern Powergrid
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 September 2018
End Date 01 December 2020
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £280,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NPG_029
Objectives This project will involve Imperial College London and Newcastle University working together with Northern Powergrid to develop the following new learning: Developing a new, easy to apply method to calculate the security contribution from network reconfiguration (transfer capacity), distributed generation and demand side response, including the use of non-firm connections; Extending the method to account for interactions between several (i) non-network solutions and (ii) network and non-network solutions; and Validating the methods using a comprehensive, risk based analysis to ensure that additional capacity released does not cause the risk to security of supply to exceed either the existing risk, or the maximum permissible risk under ER P2/6.This project will develop an easy to apply pragmatic tool that design engineers can use to assess the technical equivalence of network and non-network solutions, so that the most economical solution that meets the technical requirements can be identified. This project will consider information from the EHV and HV network, distributed generation and demand side response providers connected to them to assess their potential security contribution. The types of distributed generation will include wind farms and dispatchable distributed generation in addition to energy storage. The security contribution from network transfer capacity, demand side response and combinations of network and non-network solutions will be assessed. The objective of the project is to utilise smart network and non-network solutions as an alternative to traditional reinforcement. This project addresses calculating the security contribution from such solutions so that they can be compared on an equal basis to traditional network solutions.The project will be delivered in four separate phases, each acting as stage-gates for progress to subsequent stages. The deliverables from each stage are set out below:Stage 1: Literature review and data acquisition. The deliverables from this stage are a: Report on the literature review establishing what work has already been carried out in this area, to establish the best approach for assessing network security; Quantified risk assessment of supply interruptions, based on the best practice approach identified by the literature review, for the two substations (one single transformer & one double transformer substation) initially analysed in detail; and List of the network parameters that are the mort material in assessing network risk.Stage 2: Smart solution capacity assessment and feasibility study. This stage is to carry out a feasibility study, focussing on a limited subset of network designs and capacity contributions. The deliverables from this stage are a: Quantified assessment of the risk of supply interruptions for the two substations initially analysed in detail with the present level of network loading and as the network demand increases; Quantified assessment of various means of mitigating the increased in risk and their effectiveness; and Methodology for establishing the circuit equivalence of a non-network solution.These results will give a first indication of the effectiveness of a pragmatic method based on these types of studies, rather than carrying out a bespoke cost benefit analysis in each case. They will also provide an initial set of values for the pragmatic methods, and will inform which variables are critical within the pragmatic method.Stage 3: Pragmatic method development and validation. This stage will apply the assessment method to further substations to refine. The deliverable from this phase will be: A refined and simplified pragmatic assessment process and metrics, based on the application of the Phase 2 methodology to a further eight substation.Stage 4: Develop descriptions and examples of the method for ease of use. A crucial aspect of this project is the transition of the methods developed into business as usual. Consequently, the methods developed will be clearly described, including all assumptions and limitations, and the methods will be delivered in a format in which it can easily be used by network design and planning engineers. Where appropriate, this will be developed in consultation with appropriate engineers from within Northern Powergrid.The deliverable from this phase will be a: Plain-English description of the method for assessing the security contribution from network and non-network solutions suitable for design engineers; and Spread sheet or lookup table-based tool to that can be applied by design engineers.
Abstract The project proposes to investigate the use of smart and non-network solutions to provide a like for like economic and technical comparison with traditional approaches.

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