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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number H2/01/00001/00/00
Title High Throughput Synthesis and Screening of Novel Hydrogen Storage Materials
Status Completed
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen storage) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 80%;
Applied Research and Development 20%;
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Chemistry) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Mr G (Graham ) Purdy
No email address given
Ilika Technologies Limited
Award Type Grant - Non VAT
Funding Source DTI
Start Date 01 February 2006
End Date 31 July 2009
Duration 41 months
Total Grant Value £1,543,767
Industrial Sectors Power
Region South East
Programme HYDROGEN
Investigators Principal Investigator Mr G (Graham ) Purdy , Ilika Technologies Limited (64.100%)
  Other Investigator Professor P Edwards , Oxford Chemistry, University of Oxford (0.001%)
Professor WIF (Bill ) David , ISIS Pulsed Neutron & Muon Source, STFC (Science & Technology Facilities Council) (35.898%)
Project Contact , Johnson Matthey plc (0.001%)
Web Site
Objectives The objective of this project is to significantly accelerate UK research into the most promising of hydrogen storage materials, light metal hydrides. This project builds upon the work of the UK Sustainable Hydrogen Energy Consortium by using the research results from that consortium as a springboard for an industrially-led systematic exploration of the most promising metal hydride systems. The project will combine the theory capability of Oxford University, the unique high throughput materialsdiscovery technology of Ilika, the leading-edge characterisation capability of the Rutherford Laboratory and the industrial scale-up expertise of Johnson Matthey. The project will involve the synthesis of hundreds of novel metal hydrides which have not yet been reported in the literature and the scale-up of the most promising candidates. The project offers the UK an unprecedented opportunity to carry out commercially valuable R D. Total project value = , DTI Grant = 1543767
Abstract On InnovateUK database under ref 200025

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Added to Database 01/01/07