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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/R002193/1
Title Transforming Birmingham - a city system approach
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Energy Models) 60%;
Not Energy Related 20%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Other Supporting Data) 10%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Environmental, social and economic impacts) 10%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Town and Country Planning) 20%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 10%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Systems Analysis related to energy R&D (Energy modelling) 75%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 10%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Policy and regulation) 15%;
Principal Investigator Dr AD Quinn
No email address given
Civil Engineering
University of Birmingham
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 08 May 2017
End Date 07 February 2018
Duration 9 months
Total Grant Value £58,793
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region West Midlands
Programme Energy : Energy
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr AD Quinn , Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Dr J Radcliffe , Electronic, Electrical and Computer Eng, University of Birmingham (0.001%)
Professor JR Bryson , Sch of Geography, Earth & Env Sciences, University of Birmingham (0.001%)
Web Site
Abstract Energy is a vital resource for everyday life. Without it, there would be no heating (or cooling), lighting or transport in the cities of the world. However, the world is rapidly changing with unprecedented rises in the global population (much of it in cities), innovative technological developments, a changing climate and an ever rising demand for natural resources. Such changes are putting increasing strain on the systems that provide the means for us to enjoy our modern lifestyle. At the same time, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to rise contributed to by the burning of fossil fuels.The UK Government has set an ambitious target to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere from the UK by 80% from 1990 levels. Progress has been made towards achieving this target with increasing use of renewable energy, more efficient use of energy in general and a reduction in the number of coal-fired power stations. However, it is recognised that there is still a long way to go to actually achieve this target and that much greater effort is required in terms of changing UK society's energy use and reducing inefficiencies, particularly in the domestic sector.Over the last ten years there has been a wide body of research undertaken on whole energy systems across many sectors (transport, built environment and engineering) investigating energy use and potential new technologies that will reduce the reliance on using fossil fuels. In addition, transition pathways to future energy scenarios have been presented. Despite this work, it has not had the desired impact on policy or investment decisions. This is due in part to technological, investment and governance path dependency. Many of these studies have looked at energy in isolation but it is becoming increasing recognised that interconnections between sectors are a vital component that must be incorporated into models. This will enable realistic interpretations of not only existing systems but also future unknown systems which may behave very differently. Another issue that needs consideration is the relevance of existing approaches to modelling compared to the real experiences of a cityIt is evident that there is an urgent need to understand the interactions between different sectors in terms of energy supply and demand. It is recognised that this is a complex topic and that there are significant knowledge gaps in determining how societal, environmental and economic issues interact within the energy system. Economic models have been developed that highlight value appropriation related to financial inputs but there other ways of capturing value from energy systems that would reduce negative environmentalA key question that needs to be addressed is: What kind of modelling framework is needed to incorporate not only energy systems but also waste, air quality, legacy housing stock, new build and transport issues to inform policy makers as to the best way to decarbonise a city? Our aim is to develop a user-friendly dynamic model framework based on systems engineering that will be a vital tool to inform not only city decision-makers together with utility companies, engineers, designers, waste companies but the UK Government to assess the impact of changes in the energy system. This will enable the best use to be made of a city's resources and that of its hinterland as well as ensuring that all citizens enjoy thermal comfort regardless of income, contributing to their health and well-being

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Added to Database 21/02/19