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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/N508408/1
Title Large Scale Storage for Network Services
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Energy storage) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr DJ Morrow
No email address given
Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Queen's University Belfast
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 24 April 2015
End Date 23 April 2018
Duration 36 months
Total Grant Value £364,318
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Northern Ireland
Programme Energy : Energy
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr DJ Morrow , Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Dr RJ Best , Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast (0.001%)
Web Site
Abstract The UK has a growing share of sources of energy that are variable or intermittent in their supply of electricity and thatcannot provide the same level of system security as conventional power plants. This is leading to increasing constraints onrenewable generation, particularly in Northern Ireland, which come at considerable cost to the consumer.The proposed project will connect a 10MW Lithium Ion battery array to Northern Ireland's grid - the largest and onlytransmission connected battery of its kind in the whole of Europe - in order to work with the transmission system operatorand other stakeholders to evaluate and substantiate the value of storage in providing flexible services.The project will address any perceived operation concerns and show its value in addressing the energy trilemma, drivingthe market and catalysing future growth of energy storage.In order to raise the system non-synchronous penetration limit (SNSP) and reduce wind curtailment, more advancedsystem flexibility is needed. A grid scale battery array can provide immediate power within milliseconds of a trip -effectively emulating the effects of conventional inertia, without moving parts. Nor do batteries need to be synchronisedwith the grid - providing the equivalent service of back-up power stations but without having to inefficiently run power plantsat part load. They also provide the ability to store excess wind which would otherwise have to be curtailed, with a round tripefficiency of over 90%. In other words, battery storage would enhance system security, displace inefficient part loadingplant and relax constraints capping wind power use. This will lower grid carbon emissions and will save the system moneyby reducing pay-out on wind curtailment and constraints. All three legs of the energy trilemma, security, cost andsustainability, will therefore be addressed.QUB will undertake monitoring and simulation activities within the project. QUB is already unique among its peers by wayof access to plant data and has amassed significant expertise in power system asset monitoring based on the development(over 10 years) of wide-area monitoring using both commercial and QUB-developed Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs).Northern Ireland has particularly ambitious renewables targets, with an objective of 40% of electricity from renewableresources by 2020. The majority of this is coming from an expansion in intermittent onshore wind generation. Due to thenon-synchronous nature of wind power, and the small and weakly interconnected grid infrastructure in Northern Ireland, theamount of instantaneous electricity currently acceptable from non synchronous resources (both wind and HVDCinterconnector imports) is limited to 50% of demand. This is to ensure sufficient synchronous inertia and controllable outputis available from conventional power plants to ensure stable operation of the grid. The consumer cost of this 50% cap issignificant and growing as more wind is added to the system. Zero fuel cost, low carbon wind energy has to be curtailed, atcost, in order to instead pay to run part loaded conventional power plants out of economic merit in the name of systemsecurity. This is a situation that is clearly not tenable, politically or economically, in the long term and is a significant impediment towards the 40% renewable electricity target

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Added to Database 15/07/15