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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102217/01
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Hydropower, Large hydropower (capacity of 10 MW and above)) 25%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Hydropower, Small hydropower (less than 10 MW)) 25%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Ocean Energy) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 75%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Modular Tide Generators Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 June 2015
End Date 31 May 2016
Duration 12 months
Total Grant Value £176,615
Industrial Sectors
Region South East
Programme Competition Call: 1405_CRD_ENE_GEN_ENCATESR1 - Energy Catalyst - Late Stage - Round 1. Activity Energy Catalyst Rnd 1 Early Stage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Modular Tide Generators Limited (17.184%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , University of Plymouth (53.009%)
Project Contact , Mojo Maritime Limited (19.261%)
Project Contact , A&P Falmouth Limited (10.546%)
Web Site
Abstract Modular Tidal Generators Limited have designed a system using existing technology in a new and novel way to produce green energy from fast flowing rivers and tidal flows. The system is modular comprising a floating barge platform fitted with a number of removable turbine modules. Each turbine is fitted with a propeller turned by the tidal flow thus creating electrical power. The turbine modules can be installed into the barge and removed for maintenance ashore in minutes making service simple and inexpensive. A consortium of partners including A&P Group, Mojo Maritime, Tocardo and Plymouth University are assisting in the production enginnering, design, turbine integration and hydrodynamic analysis to get the design from concept to deployment. The barges and modules will be built in the UK benefitting the UK economy providing employment and substantial exports. The system is carbon free providing a low cost, sustainable secure source of electricity.Modular Tidal Generators Limited have designed a system using existing technology in a new and novel way to produce green energy from fast flowing rivers and tidal flows. The system is modular comprising a floating barge platform fitted with a number of removable turbine modules. Each turbine is fitted with a propeller turned by the tidal flow thus creating electrical power. The turbine modules can be installed into the barge and removed for maintenance ashore in minutes making service simple and inexpensive. A consortium of partners including A&P Group, Mojo Maritime, Tocardo and Plymouth University are assisting in the production enginnering, design, turbine integration and hydrodynamic analysis to get the design from concept to deployment. The barges and modules will be built in the UK benefitting the UK economy providing employment and substantial exports. The system is carbon free providing a low cost, sustainable secure source of electricity.Modular Tidal Generators Limited have designed a system using existing technology in a new and novel way to produce green energy from fast flowing rivers and tidal flows. The system is modular comprising a floating barge platform fitted with a number of removable turbine modules. Each turbine is fitted with a propeller turned by the tidal flow thus creating electrical power. The turbine modules can be installed into the barge and removed for maintenance ashore in minutes making service simple and inexpensive. A consortium of partners including A&P Group, Mojo Maritime, Tocardo and Plymouth University are assisting in the production enginnering, design, turbine integration and hydrodynamic analysis to get the design from concept to deployment. The barges and modules will be built in the UK benefitting the UK economy providing employment and substantial exports. The system is carbon free providing a low cost, sustainable secure source of electricity.Modular Tidal Generators Limited have designed a system using existing technology in a new and novel way to produce green energy from fast flowing rivers and tidal flows. The system is modular comprising a floating barge platform fitted with a number of removable turbine modules. Each turbine is fitted with a propeller turned by the tidal flow thus creating electrical power. The turbine modules can be installed into the barge and removed for maintenance ashore in minutes making service simple and inexpensive. A consortium of partners including A&P Group, Mojo Maritime, Tocardo and Plymouth University are assisting in the production enginnering, design, turbine integration and hydrodynamic analysis to get the design from concept to deployment. The barges and modules will be built in the UK benefitting the UK economy providing employment and substantial exports. The system is carbon free providing a low cost, sustainable secure source of electricity.

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Added to Database 02/01/18