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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102226/01
Title mJumper
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Other oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Magma Global Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 June 2015
End Date 31 December 2017
Duration 31 months
Total Grant Value £2,999,905
Industrial Sectors
Region South East
Programme Competition Call: 1405_CRD_ENE_GEN_ENCATESR1 - Not Available. Activity Energy Catalyst Rnd 1 Late Stage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Magma Global Limited (58.915%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , National Composites Centre (23.334%)
Project Contact , BP PLC (9.417%)
Project Contact , Subsea 7 Ltd (8.334%)
Web Site
Abstract mJumper is a collaboration between Magma Global, BP, Subsea7 and National Composite Centre to qualify a large diameter composite flexible jumper for connecting subsea architecture in deep and ultra deep water developments. The current fabrication and installation of rigid steel spools is costly, energy intensive and time consuming, limiting the economic feasibility of many otherwise attractive deep water resevoirs. The project tests coupons, subscale and full scale product in oil field conditions and validates the design models. The project goes on to complete combined load testing from a vessel to demonstrate performance of the product in complex multi load conditions. The project also demonstrates that non-destructive examination techniques can be used to identify critical flaws within the structure. This project is highly innovative and extends the range of composite products to the limit of what is possible for subsea exploration and production.mJumper is a collaboration between Magma Global, BP, Subsea7 and National Composite Centre to qualify a large diameter composite flexible jumper for connecting subsea architecture in deep and ultra deep water developments. The current fabrication and installation of rigid steel spools is costly, energy intensive and time consuming, limiting the economic feasibility of many otherwise attractive deep water resevoirs. The project tests coupons, subscale and full scale product in oil field conditions and validates the design models. The project goes on to complete combined load testing from a vessel to demonstrate performance of the product in complex multi load conditions. The project also demonstrates that non-destructive examination techniques can be used to identify critical flaws within the structure. This project is highly innovative and extends the range of composite products to the limit of what is possible for subsea exploration and production.mJumper is a collaboration between Magma Global, BP, Subsea7 and National Composite Centre to qualify a large diameter composite flexible jumper for connecting subsea architecture in deep and ultra deep water developments. The current fabrication and installation of rigid steel spools is costly, energy intensive and time consuming, limiting the economic feasibility of many otherwise attractive deep water resevoirs. The project tests coupons, subscale and full scale product in oil field conditions and validates the design models. The project goes on to complete combined load testing from a vessel to demonstrate performance of the product in complex multi load conditions. The project also demonstrates that non-destructive examination techniques can be used to identify critical flaws within the structure. This project is highly innovative and extends the range of composite products to the limit of what is possible for subsea exploration and production.mJumper is a collaboration between Magma Global, BP, Subsea7 and National Composite Centre to qualify a large diameter composite flexible jumper for connecting subsea architecture in deep and ultra deep water developments. The current fabrication and installation of rigid steel spools is costly, energy intensive and time consuming, limiting the economic feasibility of many otherwise attractive deep water resevoirs. The project tests coupons, subscale and full scale product in oil field conditions and validates the design models. The project goes on to complete combined load testing from a vessel to demonstrate performance of the product in complex multi load conditions. The project also demonstrates that non-destructive examination techniques can be used to identify critical flaws within the structure. This project is highly innovative and extends the range of composite products to the limit of what is possible for subsea exploration and production.

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Added to Database 07/12/15