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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA2_NGET0008
Title EPRI Substations (P37) and Analytics (P34) 2021-2025
Status Started
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 December 2021
End Date 31 December 2025
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £2,470,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA2_NGET0008
Objectives The project will deliver through workstreams under two different programs. The workstreams will employ similar methods within each programP37 SubstationsThe Substations program will look at a number of different themes to improve the knowledge and methodology for managing assets. Over the five years these will be delivered through: Collating worldwide knowledge and experienceResearching and developing new technologies with academic organisations and research institutes – and deploying laboratory successes in field trials within substationsComputer modelling of scenarios and riskSubstation trials of technologiesUnderstanding root-causes of failure and ageing mechanisms through forensic studiesDeveloping software algorithms and comparing them with models and case-studies.P34 Transmission Asset Management AnalyticsThe Analytics program will develop analytics, methodologies and asset knowledge enablers, such as failure rates and asset health assessment algorithms and future performance models. The proposed research focuses on:Designing, developing, populating, maintaining, and extracting information from industrywide databases for transmission assets that could help aggregate and quantify historical performanceDeveloping condition assessment algorithms to understand and evaluate existing condition statesDeveloping metrics to better assess and quantify equipment performanceConstructing tools and methodologies to project future performance and manage riskData Quality Statement (DQS):The project will be delivered under the NIA framework in line with OFGEM, ENA and NGGT / NGET internal policy. Data produced as part of this project will be subject to quality assurance to ensure that the information produced with each deliverable is accurate to the best of our knowledge and sources of information are appropriately documented. All deliverables and project outputs will be stored on our internal sharepoint platform ensuring access control, backup and version management. Relevant project documentation and reports will also be made available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal and dissemination material will be shared with the relevant stakeholders. Measurement Quality Statement (MQS): The methodology used in this project will be subject to our suppliers own quality assurance regime. Quality assurance processes and the source of data, measurement processes and equipment as well as data processing will be clearly documented and verifiable. The measurements, designs and economic assessments will also be clearly documented in the relevant deliverables and final project report and will be made available for review.Risk AssessmentTRL Steps = 2 (3 TRL steps)Cost = 3 (£2.47m)Suppliers = 1 (1 supplier)Data Assumption = 2 (Assumptions known but will be defined within project)Assessed risk score 8 - Medium EPRI research laboratories and expertise feed the development of new tools and knowledge to help substation owners anticipate and prevent failures of substation assets, extend asset life, retain key subject knowledge and specify new diagnostic equipment with confidence. Increasingly, the energy transition will lead to greater electrification of energy needs and more reliance on electricity reliability. This research project will focus on maintaining the highest levels of system reliability through effective and efficient management of ageing assets. Society and industry benefits from reliable energy sources and this has to be delivered such that the cost of investment in assets for the energy transition are apportioned fairly. The project objective is to provide accurate and useful research results to enable better specification, operation and maintenance of assets. Results will take the form of reports detailing research results, hardware, software, and guidebooks. Research results are made available to EPRI members providing an enduring record of the work that may be useful for further studies or for direct application. Hardware prototypes are tested first in the laboratory and then piloted in substations, allowing for easy future adoption. Algorithms are integrated into software solutions—again, allowing for easy adoption. Online monitoring technologies are thoroughly assessed using repeatable test protocols.
Abstract High voltage (HV) assets, such as power transformers, do not have simple condition assessment tests that reliably inform us of remaining life. This information must be inferred from indirect measurements such as oil sampling and interpretation of electrical test results. In this project, NGET will collaborate with EPRI and its utility members to focus on activities that help to improve our understanding of ageing mechanisms and diagnostics and improve management of these assets, with the goal of achieving longer asset lives and greater visibility of when assets need to be replaced. This will be achieved through a wide-ranging research program making use of collated data sets, application of new data analysis approaches and developing new laboratory techniques

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Added to Database 14/10/22