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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGET0196
Title EPRI Research Collaboration on Overhead Lines 2016 (P35)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 October 2016
End Date 01 April 2017
Duration 6 months
Total Grant Value £1,541,176
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_NGET0196
Objectives The objectives for 2016 include the continuation of National Grid’s membership with EPRI P35 and the delivery of a selection of reports and guidance documents associated with the six work-streams. P35. 001 - Inspection, assessment and asset management of overhead transmission lines This project aims to meet the following objectives: Continue to develop tools and methods to help improve reliability Increase the effectiveness of the inspection and assessment process Increase the safety for the public and transmission owner personnel by helping to detect components with a high risk of failure before the actual event through new inspection methods and hands-on tech transfer. P35. 002 - Conductor, Shield Wire and Hardware Corrosion Management This project aims to meet the following objectives: Understand the potential of using near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy to determine degradation rates and remaining conductor life The continued development of NIR spectroscopy technology application for condition assessment of degraded hardware or component surfaces Continue assessment methods to derive new aging algorithms for atmospheric hardware. P35. 010 - Live working: research, techniques and procedures This project aims to meet the following objectives: The continued development of safe and effective work practices Development of training resource materials such as, a reference guide book, computer based training and PC Browser based application software that incorporates multi-media content for improved understanding and learning Technology and knowledge transfer to members through meetings, computer based training, webcasts, conferences and workshops. P35. 011 - Polymer and Composite Overhead Transmission Insulators This project aims to meet the following objectives: Multi-stress aging tests to understand various modes of degradation and performance of polymer components A failure database to help identify trends and attributes to failures Developing short duration, small scale tests that are representative of in-service stresses. The tests may be included in utility specifications Inspecting service-aged insulators to aid in understanding how insulators age and the factors of aging which in turn helps improve applications and improve reliability and performance. Developing E-field modelling software to help model the electric field on new or existing insulator designs. P35. 013 - Overhead Line Ratings and Increased Power Flow This project aims to meet the following objectives: Development of software tools Development of rating methodologies Development of EPRI guidebooks, reports, and training materials for implementing increased power flow strategies, and for training their engineers on increased power flow technologies. P35. 015 - Qualification, Selection and Maintenance of Advanced Conductors This project aims to meet the following objectives: Developing a test protocol to compare different carbon fibre composite core conductors Provide information on comparing and selecting suitable HTLS conductors for specific applications Developing maintenance procedures and recommend that can be incorporated into utility’s maintenance manuals. Continuing to expand National Grid’s knowledge and to deliver value to our stakeholders, participation in P35 during 2016 means the provision of a range of specific outputs across the six work-streams. P35. 001 - Inspection, Assessment, and Asset Management of Overhead Transmission Lines Ifsuccessful, this project will deliver the following reports and guidelines in Dec 2016: Overhead Transmission Inspection, Assessment, and Asset Management Reference Guide Field Evaluation of Overhead Transmission Line Inspection (OHTL) Inspection Technologies Field Guide: Infrared (IR) Thermography for Overhead Transmission Lines Overhead Transmission Line Component Performance Failure Summary Report Overhead Transmission Line Inspection - Online Training (OTLOT) Version 10. 0Inspection and Sensing Technologies Information Tool Yellow Book Browser Application. P35. 002 - Conductor, Shield Wire and Hardware Corrosion Management If successful, this project will deliver the following reports and guidelines in Dec 2016: Evaluation of Conductor Failures due to Corrosion Development of Fleet Management Strategies for Population Assessment of Conductors NIR Spectroscopy (C-Corr) Development for ACSR Conductor Inspections. P35. 010 - Live Working: Research, Techniques and Procedures If successful, this project will deliver the following reports and guidelines in Dec 2016: Critical Defects in Composite Insulators, 230kV and 138kV Structures2016 EPRI Live Working Reference Book Field Guide: Live Working Rope Specification Guide for Determining Line T-Values used for Minimum Approach Distances Live Line Training Video Clips Live Working Support Tool Browser Application Version 1. 0. P35. 011 - Polymer and Composite Overhead Transmission Insulators If successful, this project will deliver the following reports and guidelines in Dec 2016: Insulator Reference (Violet) Book Effect of End Fitting Design on Controlling Corona E-field Modelling Software (ICE - Insulator Calculation Engine)Polymer Insulator Population Assessment (PIPA)2016 Aging Chamber Reporting Tool. P35. 013 - Overhead Line Ratings and Increased Power Flow If successful, this project will deliver the following reports and guidelines in Dec 2016: 2016 Increased Power Flow Guide Book (The Platinum Book)Overhead Transmission Predictive Ratings and Risk Concepts Overview of Conductor Emissivity Database Development Transmission Ratings Workstation Version 2. 0. P35. 015 - Qualification, Selection and Maintenance of Advanced Conductors If successful, this project will deliver the following reports and guidelines in Dec 2016: Guide for Selection and Application of High-Temperature Conductors Guide for Maintenance of High-Temperature Conductors Qualification Test Results.
Abstract National Grid recognises that the challenges faced by the electricity industry can be more efficiently and cost-effectively addressed when approached through international collaboration initiatives. It is particularly useful when addressing challenges where the solutions require statistically diverse data sets and/or significant trialling and testing in different environments, under various conditions and/or diverse ways. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), with its wide international membership, is one of the routes through which these initiatives can be delivered, thereby maximising stakeholder value. The approach of managing collaborative projects within an internationally driven research and development initiative is beneficial to National Grid and consumers alike, because it provides valuable information, learning and knowledge that would be considerably more expensive if approached on an individual basis. As an owner of overhead lines, National Grid faces challenges around optimisation, asset life, development of innovative and fit for purpose monitoring and maintenance practices and understanding what novel technologies could be applied to improve efficiencies. The EPRI Overhead Transmission Lines programme (P35) aims to support this work via six project work-streams. Following an internal review, National Grid determined that within EPRIs Overhead Transmission Lines Programme 35 (P35), the largest leverage for the UK consumer can be achieved through involvement in the following six projects in 2016: P35. 001 - Inspection, Assessment, and Asset Management of Overhead Transmission Lines P35. 002 - Conductor, Shield Wire and Hardware Corrosion ManagementP35. 010 - Live Working: Research, Techniques and ProceduresP35. 011 - Polymer and Composite Overhead Transmission InsulatorsP35. 013 - Overhead Line Ratings and Increased Power FlowP35. 015 - Qualification, Selection and Maintenance of Advanced Conductors P35. 001 - Inspection, Assessment, and Asset Management of Overhead Transmission Lines This project is developing a mix of tools, technology transfer methods and events, and information that will help members improve their line inspection and assessment as well as asset management approaches. P35. 002 - Conductor, Shield Wire and Hardware Corrosion Management This project is developing effective inspection techniques, and forecasting the need for maintenance or repair operations. These will help address issues related to conductor, shield wire and hardware corrosion. P35. 010 - Live Working: Research, Techniques and Procedures This project develops tools, procedures and training materials for live and de-energised work at HVAC lines to enhance worker and public safety, work efficiency, and reduction in cost and duration of maintenance outages. P35. 011 - Polymer and Composite Overhead Transmission Insulators This project is developing a mix of software tools and information that will help address issues related to the selection, application and inspection of polymer insulators. P35. 013 - Overhead Line Ratings and Increased Power Flow This project is developing tools and information that will help address issues to optimize and increase the ratings of their transmission circuits. P35. 015 - Qualification, Selection and Maintenance of Advanced Conductors This project is developing tools and information that will help address issues related to the qualification, selection and maintenance of advanced conductors.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 14/08/18