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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGGT0159
Title Corrosion Modelling
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 May 2020
End Date 01 March 2021
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £534,239
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGGT0159
Objectives The technology proposed will integrate inspection data into a 3D “Asset model” in order to support and allow for effective visualisation of the above ground pipework and corrosion defect locations. A mathematical model, supported and underpinned with the actual inspection data results from the existing P20/P11 reports, Inline Inspection (ILI) and cathodic protection (CP) will be developed to assist with the prediction of the corrosion growth rate in relation to the defects inspected and mapped onto the 3D Asset Model. This incorporates and enhances the condition modelling completed as part of the GRAID NIC. A “time slider” function will be incorporated to the model to help visualise and demonstrate the effect on the pipe work itself as the corrosion defects are effectively “Grown”. This simulation will allow for detailed Asset Integrity Management (AIM) best practice to come into effect for the National Grid above ground pipe work assets and support the synergy of brining the condition of the above ground pipe work condition, from a technical integrity stand point, together with the absolute risk exposure profile presented by the above ground pipe work in its current condition. The risk profile will be presented by the quantitative probabilistic condition assessment and the quantitative consequence of failure analysis that will complement each above ground pipe work location. The 3D model, and supporting analysis, will be presented to National Grid allowing the decision on how and where it is further rolled out across the NTS to be made. The above will solve the issues of data accuracy, data coverage (current lack of it), data location capacity / storage / validity, and ultimately support Asset Integrity Management (AIM) best practice. The project will be structured as below: Project procedures and workflows + overall project management – Premtech Data Requirements – NGGT Normalisation, quality control and exploratory analysis – WRc/NGGT Predictive Modelling of Corrosion Risk – AFAA Defect initiation probability analysis, multi-model calibration – WRc Monetised Risk and Intervention Scenario Modelling – WRc BI Dashboard (cut down version) – WRc Update project procedures and workflows – Premtech Project completion and BAU – Premtech (The numbering of work packages and tasks has been maintained for backward compatibility with earlier proposal versions and hence work package numbering now appears non-sequential.) National Grid above ground pipe work assets typically are subject to the damage mechanisms directly as a result of the impact from that of external corrosion. The resulting damage is typically that of loss of wall thickness resulting in a reduced internal pressure containing capacity of the physical pipe itself. The ultimate failure modes for pressurised pipe work can be that of a small surface area or “Pin hole” leak to that of a full longitudinal rupture of the pipe wall itself (should a number of these smaller defects interact (link up) and reach a critical length in relation to the pipe wall thickness, steel grade and operational pressure). The current inspection programme T/PM/CM/4 allows for a rating of corrosion defects based upon the visual condition of the defect. In this instance the defect is visually inspected, on what is an operational pressurised section of above ground pipework, and as such cannot be cleaned or prepared for detailed inspection / assessment without a pressure reduction or depressurisation of the pipework itself. This can lead to excessive time delay before the defect is inspected in detail and accurately assessed. The current inspection programme T/PM/CM/4 is well structured and when applied with the correct rigor is effective, however, it is still a qualitative process. The follow up inspection and assessment work usually requires a good deal of planning, in relation to the development of isolations, repair work scopes, Non-Routine Operation (NRO) documents, weld procedures, Management of change (MOCs) and data capture for mechanical components to name but a few. A 3D model, with quantitative supporting analysis and scenario sensitivity development capability would greatly improve the current corrosion management and remediation programs for National Grid above ground pipe work assets. Visualising this resulting data greatly assists with the development of Asset Integrity Management programs and the capability to demonstrate and defend Monetary Risk, however it was decided that this element was not considered innovative and was removed from the scope. WP9 covers a very small Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard for representative purposes. NGGT will therefore be responsible for the full visualisation and roll out strategy of this methodology providing the outcome is satisfactory. Business objective to proactively intervene in a cost-effective manner for corrosion related issues through robust time based modelling. Optimise the planning of remediation works on a site leading to a proactive rather than reactive response. To reduce corrosion related intervention costs by at least 10% in RIIO T2
Abstract The objective of the proposed innovation project is to demonstrate interactive models of current and future corrosion risk using predictive analytics on a site of strategic importance on the NTS (National Transmission System).

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Added to Database 02/11/22