Projects: Projects for Investigator |
Reference Number | NIA_CAD0062 | |
Title | I-0331 Optimising Distribution of Hydrogen Phase 2 | |
Status | Completed | |
Energy Categories | Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 100%; | |
Research Types | Applied Research and Development 100% | |
Science and Technology Fields | ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100% | |
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation | Not Cross-cutting 100% | |
Principal Investigator |
Project Contact No email address given Cadent Gas |
Award Type | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Funding Source | Ofgem | |
Start Date | 01 August 2020 | |
End Date | 01 April 2021 | |
Duration | ENA months | |
Total Grant Value | £181,744 | |
Industrial Sectors | Energy | |
Region | London | |
Programme | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Investigators | Principal Investigator | Project Contact , Cadent Gas (100.000%) |
Industrial Collaborator | Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%) |
Web Site | |
Objectives | The methodology is to call on experienced subcontractors and combine this with design experience of a Hynet multi-consumer hydrogen network. The work will focus on the issues associated with operating such multi-consumer hydrogen networks. Work package 1 will be to review the existing Pre-FEED pipeline routes and HAGI locations, identifying areas of potential issues (ecological, engineering and consenting risks) and producing a list of critical areas to be visited during the vantage survey. These critical areas will be prioritised, and the reasons why recorded.Work package 2 will be to carry out vantage point surveys visiting all critical areas identified in work package 1. This will enable an on the ground perspective to be taken, photos taken and any on the ground intelligence on be collated and fed back to the project team for consideration. Work Package 3 will be to carry out local authority searches on a 1km wide corridor centred on all routes identified. This will enable clearer detail on potential planning that may impact upon the pipeline. This will allow any obvious show-stoppers to be identified or mitigated. Work Package 4 will be to review HAGI locations and layouts with the information gathered in Stage 1, 2 & 3 and in accordance with IGEM/TD/13 & GD/SP/G/37. This will further prioritise where engineering design work needs to be concentrated. This will be critical to prioritise engineering detailed design during the FEED. Work package 5 will be to review pipeline routes with the information gathered in stage 1, 2 & 3 and in accordance with IGEM/TD/1, GD/SP/TR/18, GD/SP/TR/21. Again, engineering priorities will be identified.Work package 6 will be to produce a report & maps combining all the findings of the above work packages. These maps and reports will then be presented to the wider HyNet team and the information will be brought forward into the HyNet Front End Engineering Design (FEED) work package. The Programme is scheduled to be completed in 8 months The primary scope of this project will be to build on further detailed work which was produced during the initial I-0245 Optimising Distribution of Hydrogen NIA. Upon completion of the initial NIA it is clear that additional work needs to be completed, particularly with regards to options for the hydrogen pipeline. This project looks to fulfil the following scope. Desktop review of existing Pre-FEED phase 2 routes Identify additional routes for the hydrogen pipeline with 1 Km corridors and build upon potential corridors outlined in pre-FEED. Identify optional routes outside the 1km corridor that have not been identified as the preferred route. Identify and note reasons behind preferred route selection Vantage point survey of proposed pipeline and hydrogen above ground installation (HAGI) locations Review of Pre-FEED route against Local Authority Searches Review of Pre-FEED report on HAGIs Basic G/37 layout of site specific HAGI to establish HAGI footprint and aid G/37 location study Review of proposed route to Level 1 Route Corridor Study in accordance with IGEM/TD/1, GD/ST/TR/18 and GD/SP/TR/21 Review of proposed HAGI in accordance with IGEM/TD/13 and GD/SP/G/37 Produce a Feasibility Report complete with maps of the proposed pipeline routes The scope of this work will be delivered by experienced individuals at Saith, who have been involved in the previous NIA so this knowledge can be brought forward and further developed. This also ensures that optimal value for money can be delivered and key delivery times are met. The overarching objective of this work is to build upon work already done in the initial NIA and look at further detailed route options (and the reason why routes have been selected or deselected), HAGI locations and how this relates to IGEM technical standards. To support this work there are a range of sub objectives which can be described below: A range of potential hydrogen pipeline options must be examined in detail and the reason why these pipelines routes have either been accepted or why certain routes have been not developed any further needs to be clear. The review of IGEM standards in relation to the development of a bespoke hydrogen pipeline. Review of HAGI locations and how this will impact upon the control of the network. This will aid further investigations which will be required in the FEED. | |
Abstract | The UK relies predominantly on three energy vectors; electricity, gas and oil, for the decarbonisation of the power, heat and transport sectors. Progress is being made in reducing the carbon intensity of power generation but, as stressed by the Committee for Climate Change (CCC) in its 2018 review of the Governments Clean Growth Strategy, very little progress has been made in reducing the carbon intensity of heat or transport. Very deep emissions cuts are required across sectors with the urgency for progress made more acute by the decision to change the emissions reduction target from 80% to Net Zero by 2050 and for legislation has been passed in July 2019. The body of work on the use of hydrogen for combustion and other applications is growing. It is clear that low carbon hydrogen may be able to substitute cost effectively for natural gas in several markets, including contributing to the provision of flexible power, high and low grade industrial heat, transport fuels and the reduction in emissions from consumers connected to the GD network. Technical feasibility has been demonstrated in each of these marketsBeyond a small number of hydrogen pipeline systems connecting commercial users there is little experience of designing, creating, operating and then expanding a multi-user hydrogen distribution system. Such networks will initially be constructed at a relatively modest scale and will subsequently expand in terms of geography and in terms of consumer types. For example, the HyNet NW project plans to have a relatively contained network initially connecting a small number of industrial (and possibly small-scale power) users together with hydrogen injection into the LTS at a small number of points. The initial network will be extended in geographical extent and expanded incrementally to include further users with varying demand profiles, with hydrogen storage and other demand management approaches added to the system. As anticipated by CCC, hydrogen networks will ultimately be created in several locations across the country and in different Network Operator regions, emanating from areas where low cost access to Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCuS) infrastructure is available. Creation of such networks is unique and there is very limited, if any, experience of the system design and issues involved in designing a multi-user hydrogen network for expansion or in operating the growing network. | |
Data | No related datasets |
Projects | No related projects |
Publications | No related publications |
Added to Database | 02/11/22 |