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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_CAD0092
Title Customer Safeguarding Virtual Training Platform
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Environmental, social and economic impacts) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Sociology) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Consumer attitudes and behaviour) 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cadent Gas
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 June 2023
End Date 31 May 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £233,226
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_CAD0092
Objectives "We propose the use of a solution developed by mXreality which is based on Virtual Environments (VE), it is a fully interactive, online, immersive, 3D game-based learning solution. The technology empowers learners to make decisions and choose their routes through the programme, delivering unlimited interactivity to perform tasks and implement actions. The virtual environment solution below is based on Cadents requirements for branching scenarios, however, we recommend that the scenarios are developed on a linear basis with an element of randomisation, this will enable us to develop the scenarios quicker and cheaper. Virtual Environments:The Virtual Environments solution is based on a highly innovative 3D approach to simulate real-life situations to test a learners knowledge and understanding. Learners will be able to put into practice, what they have learned in a safe environment. The whole online training experience is enjoyable and visually rich in its graphical depiction of a real-life situation. It is a flexible, easily adaptable and maintainable solution with a high level of engagement. This innovative training format not only reflects currently accepted best practices in terms of its design, development and production but also represents the next level in cost-effective technology-based learning. Scenarios:The 3D virtual environment will be based on a typical customer house and furnishing, we can then create scenarios based on Cadents Customer Advent situations. Each scenario will take around 20 minutes to complete. We propose to create the virtual 3D environment first, then create the first scenario which could cover a vulnerable customer who suffers from dementia and is at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Up to 3 additional scenarios can then be developed based on the same environment by working with Cadents subject matter experts to define the learning objectives and specification of the scenarios. We would usually aim to ensure each one covers a wide range of topics as follows: Communication and behaviours Use & disposal of Personal Protective Equipment Recording and reporting observations Health and Safety Observation skills Escalation points and briefing information The scenarios will use the same 3D environment and assets and will be based on a typical customer house. We may require further reference photos/videos from Cadent when the project commences supporting the development of the environment. The 3D environment will be representative of an actual house, but only the interactive elements associated with the scenarios will be developed in detail. Once the 3D environment and first scenario are approved, then the remaining/additional scenarios can be easily developed. These could include: Additional vulnerable customer-based scenarios Similar scenarios with different variables Assessment-based scenarios Different properties and environments The scenarios are based on following a predetermined process on how the learner should deal with a certain situation, they will have to make decisions throughout the scenario and also answer questions which will test their knowledge with informative feedback given after each question as informal learning. Below is an example of a question and the feedback givenAt the end of each scenario, the learner will receive feedback on how they have progressed in the scenario. Each task and question is marked and additional learning information is provided which gives further information to the trainee on their strengths and weaknesses so additional learning can be given. Below is an example of how this feedback would be presented.Branching The main research and development innovation will come from the development of the branching of the scenarios. We would envisage that as the learner plays out the situation they are faced with, they will come across decisions they have to make which will affect how the scenarios unfold. In this way, a learner attempting the same scenario multiple times could have very different outcomes depending on the path they choose at the critical decision points as they work their way through the scenario. While branching scenarios can provide great benefit to the learner and tutors, they can also be quite challenging to develop as they are effectively multiple scenarios combined, and as such can become very intricate and complicated and require a lot of information and testing to ensure that all paths can be followed and produce the intended outcome. With this in mind, we propose that each scenario would include up to 2 levels of branching (allowing for up to 3 branching decision points in total), that allow the learner to affect the eventual outcome of the scenario. Each of the branching decision points will result in up to 2 possible paths, allowing a total of up to 4 possible outcomes. The flow diagram below indicates what this might look like. The detailed features and functionality can be explored during the design phase of the project. " "The solution must: Be interactive Be a 3-D game-based learning solution Utilise a branching decision-making model Be a platform with differing environment options, user types, and scenarios Be able to add further environments, user types, and scenarios Be able to recommend a personalised training plan based on the users interaction, their responses to the main scenario, and their awareness of the topics covered Have a virtual training setting which is accessible on company-issued screens and systems, such as smartphones Toughbooks Offer accessibility tools for the user, such as font size, language, and colour screen options, with the ability to remember preferences Be compatible with the SCORM training database or learning link, with the option for external access e.g., CMO or LDP (third-party service providers contracted on behalf of the Network) Have the option to save or pause current progress through a scenario, as field users may not have enough time to complete the training in one sittingThe solution should: Provide integration of individual scores into team-aligned reports Have multiple-choice quizzes or knowledge checks Ensure each scenario will last up to 20 minutes The solution could: Offer scenario customisation and basic character customisation Provide the possibility for joint training or multiple users in a scenarioThe solution wont: Use virtual reality headsetsThe estimated costs for this programme of work are £174,920 split over nine work packages over an estimated 10 months. The work packages each operate as project stage gates whereby at each stage gate Cadent can decide whether to progress with the next Work Package. This also allows the scope for Work Packages to be modified as required by Cadent as the project progresses. " "The following objectives are expected to be delivered: At least one 3D environment to be created that will be based on a typical customer house and furnishings The creation of an initial scenario followed by 3 additional training scenarios once successful, based on Cadents Customer Advent scenarios Each scenario will typically last 20 minutes Each scenario will feature branched decision-making, with at least 2 levels of branching, allowing for several arcs based on the users decisions and the order of actions carried out The system will need to assess a users performance in each scenario as well as provide questions to test a users knowledge throughout The solution will provide the ability to track, report and provide MI on choices made in a scenario and these will result in recommendations for further training where required Delivery of solution as SCORM 1.2 packages which can be hosted by Cadent in our Learner Management System Providing accessibility to colleagues through investigation of adding Recite Me to internal training systems"
Abstract The Customer Safeguarding Virtual Training Platform NIA Project with support from mX Reality, aims to deliver a future solution to better train Field Force and office staff to better manage situations they may encounter when interacting with customers in vulnerable circumstances who may or may not be on the PSR. The solution will utilise virtual environments and scenarios that take place in various customer properties that trainees can play through, receiving personalised feedback on their actions.

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Added to Database 01/11/23