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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGGD0019
Title Pipeline Failure Rate Determination Due To Inland Natural Landsliding
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 25%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 75%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cadent Gas
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 June 2014
End Date 01 October 2015
Duration 16 months
Total Grant Value £107,875
Industrial Sectors Technical Consultancy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Gas Transmission (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_NGGD0019
Objectives The objectives of the study are to enable National Grid to better quantify the risk of natural landslides affecting its high pressure gas network. This will support its asset management and risk assessment processes allowing National Grid to quantify the risk to the general public at specific locations and also to understand any potential impact on gas supplies. As a result of this work National Grid will be able to decide on locations where it may be appropriate to undertake monitoring to detect any potential earth movement, or undertake remedial measures to mitigate the impact of a natural landslide. The successful completion of this project will result in a landslide domain map based on data supplied by the British Geological Survey for the geographical area of the National Grid pipeline network. A risk model will be developed that will allow National Grid to determine the likelihood of pipeline failure due to natural landslides at any given point on its above 7 bar pipeline network. The risk model will take account of the key pipeline parameters (i. e. wall thickness, diameter, pressure, and grade) and also take account of any known weld quality issues. The risks will be quantified for both pipeline leaks and pipeline ruptures.
Abstract World failure data indicates that natural landslides represent a significant threat to National Grid’s above 7 bar pipeline network. The project will build on work that was previously carried out in 2005 with the British Geological Survey. Development and demonstration activity will help National Grid to better understand the risks of ground movement affecting the above 7 bar gas pipeline network in the UK and identify the locations that are at most risk so that suitable monitoring or remedial measures can be implemented. Building on the work that was undertaken by National Grid in 2005, the project will utilise GeoSure geohazard data from the British Geological Survey (BGS), to assess the risk of landslide affecting the National Grid above 7 bar pipeline Network. The GeoSure system will provide a 5 tier ranking of geohazard susceptibility using a low to high scaling methodology. The GeoSure classification system replaces a 6 tier landslide susceptibility ranking developed in 2003 for National Grid. BGS will be asked to support the project by providing: A landslide domain map. Revised landslide attributes for 86 landslide deposits. Landslide frequency decay values across the 5 GeoSure landslide susceptibility zones. Using the above data the project will: Specify multiple landslide hazard conditions defined by attribute and associated probability of occurrence values. Identify the relevant pipeline parameters within these zones in terms of diameter, wall thickness, material, grade and operating pressure. Develop a numerical structural analysis model to determine the maximum strain level in the pipeline due to each imposed landslide condition. Develop a fragility curve assessment to convert each calculated strain level into a probability of girth weld failure. Determine the likelihood of pipeline failure based on the relevant pipeline parameters and this calculation will be based on the predicted landslide size and frequency.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 17/09/18