Projects: Projects for Investigator |
Reference Number | NIA_NGN_204 | |
Title | H21 - Strategic Modelling, Major Urban Centers | |
Status | Completed | |
Energy Categories | Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 25%; Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 75%; |
Research Types | Applied Research and Development 100% | |
Science and Technology Fields | SOCIAL SCIENCES (Economics and Econometrics) 25%; PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Physics) 25%; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%; |
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation | Not Cross-cutting 100% | |
Principal Investigator |
Project Contact No email address given Cadent Gas |
Award Type | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Funding Source | Ofgem | |
Start Date | 01 April 2017 | |
End Date | 01 July 2019 | |
Duration | 27 months | |
Total Grant Value | £440,000 | |
Industrial Sectors | Technical Consultancy | |
Region | London | |
Programme | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Investigators | Principal Investigator | Project Contact , Cadent Gas (99.999%) |
Other Investigator | Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (0.001%) |
Web Site | |
Objectives | Provide a robust and practical reinforcement, isolation, conversion and restoration methodology for 100% hydrogen gas distribution networks supplying a wide range of GB cities. Provide demand profiles and requirements for an extended range of cities spread throughout Great Britain to facilitate the design of the hydrogen transmission, production and storage (both for H2 and CO2) infrastructure. Provide indicative hydrogen conversion costs and timescales for each urban area (appliance numbers, isolations/reinforcement requirements etc. ) for the gas distribution networks for up to 18 of the most significant population areas of Great Britain. Provide rollout scenarios for incremental conversion of the UK gas network based on the analysis undertaken. To model an additional 3 NGN networks and expand on the Leeds network previously modelled in the first stage of the H21 project and up to a further 14 networks owned by other GDNs using the same methodology as the original H21 Leeds City Gate project. To collate this information and provide credible UK rollout scenarios for conversion. | |
Abstract | The H21 - Leeds City Gate Project assessed the feasibility of converting a major city’s gas network from natural gas to hydrogen. The project demonstrated the feasibility of the hydrogen conversion concept, developed detailed cost estimates for the conversion of the Leeds area and an estimate of the costs for an incremental roll out of hydrogen conversion nationwide. The H21 Leeds city gate project identified (Section 10) the next steps required to move this concept towards a policy decision through a series of strategic projects aimed at filling critical evidence gaps, this was referred to as the "H21 roadmap". To execute this H21 roadmap will requirement a combination of large scale NIC type projects, a government led program of research and a suite of smaller NIA projects. These projects will ensure the UK gas networks will understand the impact of hydrogen conversion in four key areas: Application and impact of new equipment within the network. This will ensure a future conversion to hydrogen comprises the optimised selection of assets utilising the best technologies from around the world in the interests of gas customers. Transportation of a different form of gas, i. e. 100% hydrogen on existing licensee assetsOperation of the network and its configuration when transporting 100% hydrogen. The commercial impact of a hydrogen conversion and the alterations required to current commercial practices across the gas industry e. g energy efficiency losses across hydrogen production assets, different leakage model impacts etc. This work will support the requirement for government to make firm energy policy decisions by the early 2020s. Without this suite of projects the opportunity for 100% hydrogen to play a significant role in future decarbonisation pathways may not be realistically considered. This could have a significant impact on UK gas customers if alternative non-optimized policy decisions are subsequently put into force. This NIA project will focus on section 16. 3 of the H21 roadmap. As part of the H21 Leeds City Gate Project network analysis was undertaken of extended Leeds LP and MP gas distribution networks supplying 100% hydrogen. This included three core activities. Firstly, an assessment of the reinforcement and supply requirements to keep the pressure and velocity constraints within the area of conversion (Leeds) to within regulatory limits maintaining supply to all customers under theoretical 1: 20 winter demand conditions. Secondly, establishment of a demand profile for a 1: 20 day and an off-peak day required to determine the design parameters required for the hydrogen production, storage (both for H2 and CO2) and transportation infrastructure. Thirdly, to determine an appropriate conversion strategy including sectional isolations and end point connections for the hydrogen transmission system. As stated in the H21 Project roadmap (section 10) there is a requirement to extend this unique network analysis to further city networks. This will resolve and support strategic questions concerning how a hydrogen conversion would be incrementally rolled out with regards to economic and constructability constraints for 100% hydrogen UK city conversions. It will also allow other UK GDNs to develop their own modelling expertise for 100% hydrogen conversions ensuring robust dissemination of knowledge from the original H21 Leeds City Gate project. Finally this project will support development of potential work, which would fall outside business as usually, for the RIIO-GD2 period which may be requested by OFGEM / BEIS to support the decarbonisation strategy. The project will provide robust data for the design of the expanded production, storage and transportation infrastructure across the major areas of population within Great Britain. To enable a broad geographic spread containing most of the major population areas within Great Britain and to allow for the largest number of networks that can be practically and accurately modelled within the time frame of this NIA it is proposed that each GDN puts forward the two largest networks (by population/demand) for each of the LDZs they own. NGN will undertake an additional analysis of 4 models covering 53% of its total gas customer population. With NGN network analysts providing support and training to resources from the other GDNs out of its H21 project office it is proposed that National Grid would analysis 8 major centers (their section of Greater London accounting for two of these), 2 for Wales and the West and 4 for SGN. These 18 networks would represent a significant proportion of the gas customers of Great Britain (between 33 and 41% of the population) and would provide sufficient analysis to determine large scale rollout options for a UK wide hydrogen conversion. It is proposed that each GDN carries out the network analysis of their own networks with their staff resourced from their current network analysis trained staff. This will1) Reduce the number of new staff required within the core H21 project team with the large training component involved2) Provide accurate results in as short a time frame as feasible3) Facilitate the spread of the modelling experience gained during the first phase of H21. This modelling will be supported and coordinated by a dedicated project lead based out of the H21 office. The Project will be carried out in defined training and development stages as per the below: A kickoff meeting the network analysts chosen by the GDNs for discussion/training. Confirmation and acceptance of the configuration of analysis models (i. e. scope and size of networks which will be modelled by each GDN)Configuring each networks model to run 100% hydrogen analysis, e. g. reinforcement and supply options. Determine 1 in 20 Peak requirements for each network using the network analysis modelsTo determine annual energy requirements (TWh) for each network using MOSA area / degree day analysis as per the original H21 Leeds City Gate Project. Design of robust and economic isolation, conversion and restoration zones to assess operational requirements (additional valves, locations for mains squeeze offs/bagging, additional supplies (either permanent in the form of new district governors or temporary in, for example, the form of bottled or natural gas supplied by tanker to district governors))To provide a time line and cost estimate for each networks conversion. Following completion of the analysis different scenarios will be developed for incremental conversion of the UK gas grid to hydrogen considering upstream and downstream practical constraints. The network analysis carried out using the GDNs choice of NA software (supported as required by the software owners) - currently Synergi for NGN, WWU and SGN and GBNA for NG, on their FY5/FY10 models for the networks selected.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above | |
Data | No related datasets |
Projects | No related projects |
Publications | No related publications |
Added to Database | 20/08/18 |