Projects: Projects for Investigator |
Reference Number | NIA_NGN_225 | |
Title | H21 Field Trials Design | |
Status | Completed | |
Energy Categories | Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 20%; Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Other infrastructure and systems R&D) 80%; |
Research Types | Applied Research and Development 100% | |
Science and Technology Fields | ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100% | |
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation | Not Cross-cutting 80%; Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Policy and regulation) 20%; |
Principal Investigator |
Project Contact No email address given Northern Gas Networks |
Award Type | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Funding Source | Ofgem | |
Start Date | 01 July 2018 | |
End Date | 01 March 2021 | |
Duration | ENA months | |
Total Grant Value | £777,935 | |
Industrial Sectors | Energy | |
Region | Yorkshire & Humberside | |
Programme | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Investigators | Principal Investigator | Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (99.997%) |
Other Investigator | Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.001%) Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (99.997%) Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.001%) Project Contact , SGN (0.001%) |
Industrial Collaborator | Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (0.000%) |
Web Site | |
Objectives | As with all testing, definitive conclusions can only be obtained with field trials. Field trials are essential to provide the final evidence requirement corroborating the results of the testing obtained in the controlled environment. To provide definitive test results for the distribution network a test is required which doesnt interfere with the supply of gas to customers. This means a test on real network above and below ground assets which are not providing natural gas to customers. To undertake these tests the H21 project team is already working closely with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to identify demolished/derelict sites where mains networks still exist. Using these types of sites will ensure no gas supply disruption to customers and a safe, but real-life environment for carrying out field trials. This NIA project will identify an appropriate site for field trials, resolve legal agreement with the council/land owner to undertake the trials, develop the detailed design and safety assessments for the site and develop the master testing plan i.e. what will be tested. The design and site selection will be undertaken in line with the detail set out in the 2017 H21 NIC bid document. Subsequent build and testing works following the final design are not part of this NIA project, these works will only be undertaken if funding (circa 4.5m) subsequently becomes available. The design work will be progressed in line with governmental strategy ambitions and time lines for a live trial involving conversion of customers premises. It should be noted that a field trial (i.e. a test with 100% hydrogen on a part of the network not affecting gas supplies or customers) will be an essential pre-requirement for any subsequent live trial. The field trail will justify the deviation to network safety case for a live trial and this NIA will ensure the networks fully understand the requirements to execute a field trial and no delays are incurred for such a trial to take place should funding be made available. 1) Working with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCO) identify a range of suitable sites for a future field trial as defined in the H21 NIC bid document. 2) Undertake the design of the Field trials site including, temporary works, additional pipework, Hydrogen supply, scenarios for testing, safety systems, E&I/Civil requirements, governor requirements, Network modelling, meter installation 3) Undertake network analysis on the final design to predict flow parameters. 4) Consider end use application of hydrogen used for testing e.g. flare/vent/use. 5) In conjunction with the existing H21 NIC team (including the HSL and DNV GL) develop the master testing plan for site testing requirement for the fields trials 6) Develop operational testing designs for field trials area i.e. areas to simulate and repair leaks etc. 7) Develop the legal framework for acquiring the site off the WYCO. 8) Develop a detailed price for the build of the works and overall costs of the field trial.Reason for extending the projectTo allow for peer review of the reports and detailed work generated to date with the HSE by DNVGL which will take place during January of 2021 we are extending the project by 3 months too allow this to take place to ensure we deliver the best outcomes of the project.Continuing with the project is deemed a credible option and therefore the project completion date is now extended to 31st March 2021. 1 Identification of a suitable site in whichto undertake field trials as defined in the H21 NIC bid document. 2 Development of a detailed design in which to undertake the works. If a site cannot be identified and/or legal confirmation of site access can not be agreed a generic design based on a suitable example site (as per the H21 NIC bid) should be developed from which the master testing plan can be confirmed. 3 Development of a master testing plan for the work 4 Confirmation of mains soundness testing for identified site 5 Development of the commercial agreement for access to site to facilitate testing 6 Development of detailed costs for future build and test work. | |
Abstract | The 2017 H21 NIC project, when completed in full, will undertake an experimental testing programme which will provide the necessary data to quantify the comparative risk between a 100% hydrogen network and the natural gas network. This is required for the UK to make a policy decision on decarbonisation of heat in the early 2020s and to allow live trials to progress in 2020/21 when combined with the results of the BEIS programme. The project was awarded two thirds of the requested funding (10.3m) by ofgem to complete phase 1a and 1b (controlled testing) but not funding for the field trials (circa 5m in total). Although the H21 NIC project was written in 2 phases i.e. controlled testing (Phase 1A and 1B) and field trials (Phase 2) it is the field trials will provide the critical pieces of evidence. The phases were developed to help the non-gas industry audience understand the project as per the requirements of the NIC governance document. The field trials will provide the evidence required to justify the live trials or gain consensus that a 100% hydrogen gas grid conversion would be possible and ensure that significant delays to the live trial and subsequent policy decision requirement were avoidable.This NIA project will develop the design and master testing plan for a subsequent field trial should the funding be made available. This will ensure no delays in the field trial execution and subsequent live trial and therefore no delay in a government policy on decarbonisation of heat. Undertaking the design of the field trials alongside the H21 NIC project and other H21 NIA projects also allow economies of scale for delivery of the design phase saving on total cost. | |
Data | No related datasets |
Projects | No related projects |
Publications | No related publications |
Added to Database | 14/12/22 |