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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGN_212
Title Squeeze free flow stopping on PE mains
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Northern Gas Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 September 2017
End Date 01 March 2021
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £241,866
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGN_212
Objectives In 2016, Radius PLUS Limited and Wales & West Utilities completed a project outside of the NIA/NIC process to introduce a technology using RTP inflatable stopper systems to flow stop medium pressure metallic mains in the size range 3” to 16” nominal bore. This allowed a new style of stopper system to be evaluated that has the capability to withstand higher differential pressures than the traditional bladder/bag stoppers used in the UK gas industry. A series of installation works through 2016 has validated the use of the technology with an operational network environment additional to the offline validation. The technology offers a basis for extension to polyethylene mains which would provide a universal solution for deployment across the network. Radius PLUS has commenced a development project of its own to develop live access electrofusion access saddles for deployment of stopper systems to PE mains, specifically the smaller diameter type needed for its RTP stopper deployment. Such systems will be available for mains 63mm to 450mm when fully completed, including imperial 3” to 8” sizes. It is proposed that the NIA project run concurrently with that development to accelerate the development through offline deployment testing, review and definition of engineering standards for medium pressure RTP stoppers, preparation of codes of practice/engineering policy documents that all lead to ability to undertaken field trial deployment safely within the network. Three field trial deployments have been included within the scope of the RSL cost elements, the value can clearly be adjusted if further field trial deployments were preferred for the purpose of statistical or practical confidence of the technique in the network.Reason for extending the projectThe project has experienced significant timeline delays. These have been due to impact of Covid 19 situation; restricting work in our operational areas and prioritising essential only jobs for the safety of our customers and colleagues. It is envisaged with the easing of restrictions that this work can be picked up again but the overall lifecycle of the project has been impacted. Please see the 2020 progress report for further details. Conduct failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) for the holistic system of flowstopping PE mains using the technique. Identify system issues to be resolved in design and testing to de-risk technique. Conduct FMEA on access saddles with a gap analysis to GIS/PL2-4 and GIS/PL3 for long term integrity of saddles post flowstopping, document design/test requirements to a suitable addendum Conduct testing of saddles in accordance with revisions proposed to the GIS/PL2-4 and GIS/PL3 standards to provide specific third party peer reviewed engineering reports on suitability of products Conduct FMEA on RTP style inflatable stoppers with a gap analysis to GIS/E19 and GIS/E20 and commit to a new draft GIS/E20;part 2 document on tests to be applied to the stopper elements Validate test methods proposed for GIS/19 and GIS/E20 in respect of both stopper and deployment to PE (particularly concepts of size range rating and friction slippage factors) by simulation/practical test Undertake off-line trials on representative sizes of PE mains to validate the technique over the size range 90-630mm (proposed 90, 180, 315, 500 & 630mm, 4” & 8”) including lifetime testing of assets Prepare method statements, supporting evidence and risk assessments suited to the development ofengineering policy in relation to the proposed method of flow stopping for MP mains Subject to sign-off, conduct field trial evaluation on the operational network on a selection of pipe sizes sufficient to confirm confidence in the use of the technique (e.g. small/medium/large pipe size) Prepare final project report for disclosure of overall findings in relation to enabling standards and underpinning data for engineering policy to assist in national adoption (excludes proprietary designs)
Abstract Radius PLUS has commenced a development project of its own to develop live access electrofusion access saddles for deployment of stopper systems to PE mains, specifically the smaller diameter type needed for its RTP stopper deployment. Such systems will be available for mains 63mm to 450mm when fully completed, including imperial 3” to 8” sizes. It is proposed that the NIA project run concurrently with that development to accelerate the development through offline deployment testing, review and definition of engineering standards for medium pressure RTP stoppers, preparation of codes of practice/engineering policy documents that all lead to ability to undertaken field trial deployment safely within the network. Three field trial deployments have been included within the scope of the RSL cost elements, the value can clearly be adjusted if further field trial deployments were preferred for the purpose of statistical or practical confidence of the technique in the network.

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Added to Database 09/11/22