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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGGT0182
Title Multifunctional graphene coatings for pipeline protection
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 20%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 80%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Gas Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2022
End Date 28 February 2023
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £820,000
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Gas Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGGT0182
Objectives The project will utilise graphene produced through Levidians plasma process on material coupons in lab scale testing to determine its ability to prevent corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. The project will evaluate the impact of coating thickness and application method on the structure of the resulting coating morphology down to the molecular level control and evaluate the protection provided. Due to the unique morphology of the graphene, its direct use or implementation into another material can be accomplished at the high level of surface finish. The graphene is expected to serve two roles, the barrier for hydrogen (as well as hydrogen sulphide/carbon dioxide/water) diffusion and also enhancement of the wear properties of the coatings. In parallel, a development of smart coatings will be carried out for the internal/external surfaces of pipes to rely on the conductive properties of graphene and the ability to form 3D networks for sensing capabilities to detect failure in the main pipeline material . This will be undertaken on lab scale samples of NTS materials, but calculation will be carried out for the extended opportunity of 7000km of NTS pipeline. Corrosion protection systems already installed on NTS pipelines provide a current to the pipeline and help prevent corrosion. Using the smart graphene coatings, the cracking and other failure modes could be identified with little additional equipment with superior special resolution.Measurement Quality Statement:The measurement approach used to meet Data Quality objectives will be through the identification of high calibre project partners whom are experts in their given field and the use of real data and materials from National Grid sites. In this instance the project will be limited to lab testing, science and technology development from TRL3 to TRL5 and therefore will combine knowledge from other industry applications with lab scale testing to inform new insights into the use of Graphene on NTS applications. The lab tests will be carried out by the Cranfield University, relying on high quality material processing environment, standardisation, coating technology optimisation and scale up strategies required for the phase 2 of large testing. Data Quality Statement:The project will ensure that data used is of sufficient quality to deliver project objectives through the development of a robust testing plan developed through the design of experiments process, taking into account all key variables and managing them through the testing. The relevant data and background information will be stored for future access within the National Grid Innovation Sharepoint site. The project will be split into 4 work packages:1) Requirements and use case definition (Duration – 2 months)Work Package lead – Levidian and National GridThe work package will define in detail:Technical requirements: the graphene type and quality will be identified reflecting the desired use in the project with well-defined performance levels discussed and agreedCommercial requirements: the simulation of the volume and cost element will be taken into account to ensure the viability of the technology for large scale deploymentImplementation considerations: the deployment approach, including deposition technology will be evaluated and consideredCross industry benchmarking: assessment of the technology will be carried out to consider its application to other sectors across the industryTesting plan development: the phase 1 coupon testing will be carried our leading to the selection of specific formulations and testing protocols. In phase 2, a large-scale evaluation of the technology at the National Grid facilities, will be discussed and proposed for subsequent implementation 2) Materials testing for corrosion and hydrogen diffusion resistance (Duration – 10 months)Work Package lead – Levidian and Cranfield UniversityA dedicated Post Doctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) with appropriate background and PhD level researcher will be appointed to undertake this work. The work is based on the development of the coating formulation suitable for the deposition on selected pipeline material coupons.Two approaches will be considered: pure graphene deposition (graphene with graphene glue) and graphene in the matrix formulation (where the matrix will rely on the coating suitable version of epoxy or polyurethane).Different concentration of graphene will be established with proper characterisation of rheological properties.Wear testing of the coating will be carried out and correlated with the level of graphene used.The assessment of the surface adhesion to the pipeline material and optical microscopy characterisation will be used for the quality of deposition.Corrosion studies and the passive effect of the coating will be assessed on the pipeline material.The accelerated studies will be carried out on coupons involving temperature and moisture to assess the effect on the corrosion resistance.Hydrogen permeability studies using inhouse sensing system and specially formulated testing setup will be used to deliver direct outcomes from the project.Scale up plans will be developed to enable the second phase of deployment.Interim reports will be delivered on a monthly basis and quarterly technical meetings at Cranfield. 3) Opportunities for pipeline health monitoring via smart sensing (Duration – 10 months) Work Package Lead – Levidian and Cranfield UniversityA dedicated PDR with appropriate background and PhD level researcher will be appointed to undertake this work.The work will rely on the development of graphene-based coating formulation with the engineered formation of 3D conductive networks. This structure will be capable of measuring electrical responses as well as any dielectric changes coupled to the corrosive or other microstructural changes in the pipe material.Implementation of graphene into a suitable polymeric material will be part of the initial phase of this development following by the electrical testing. Environmental accelerated treatments will be used to generate signals and subsequent data processing.Signal collection is critical for proper understanding of the smart coating performance. Furthermore, the use and development of suitable connections will offer the level of integration required on the pipeline material. Signal processing with appropriate AI algorithm will be required for the coating integration and use. Mechanical damage detection will be used as alternative to the environmental chambers, for controlled performance.Interim reports will be delivered on monthly basis and quarterly technical meetings at Cranfield. Data analytics and reporting (Duration - 2 months)Work Package Lead - Levidian- Technical report of all work carried out- Progress report in March & June 2022- Closure report at the close of the project  Determine the opportunity to utilise a waste product in the pyrolysis process of methane to hydrogen (graphene) to improve network capability through:- Corrosion protection- Hydrogen embrittlement protection- Enhancement of inner liner wear resistancePipeline health monitoring
Abstract The project reviews the opportunity of utilising graphene produced as a by product in methane pyrolysis as a pipeline protection coating. There are three aspects to be reviewed in the project: 1) Corrosion protection, 2) Hydrogen embrittlement inhabitation and 3) Pipeline state sensing. Graphene has the ability to both act as a barrier for materials and an integrated sensing system due to its conductivity. National Grid will work with Levidian to determine the extent to which these properties can be utilised on the NTS.

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Added to Database 26/10/22