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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGGT0194
Title Impact of Hydrogen on NTS Polymer / Elastomer Materials – Phase 1
Status Completed
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Other infrastructure and systems R&D) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Gas Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 June 2022
End Date 30 November 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £61,866
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Gas Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGGT0194
Objectives This project will comprise multiple work packages proposed to understand the polymeric materials on the NTS and define appropriate test programme to validate performance for hydrogen transmission:1. Map out all polymeric/elastomeric materials that would be exposed to hydrogen throughout entire NTS2. Review available literature surrounding impact of high-pressure hydrogen on polymeric/elastomeric materials on the NTS3. Confirm expected service conditions (pressure, temperature, gas composition) in a hydrogen grid for each material in NTS4. Determine functional, material property and maintenance requirements for all materials, based on expected service conditions5. Generate proposed test programme to validate polymeric/elastomeric materials in hydrogen Measurement Quality StatementThe measurement approach used to meet Data Quality objectives will be through the identification of high calibre project partners who are experts in their given field. In this instance the project will be limited to a desktop study and analysis from TRL2 to TRL3 to inform the current state of polymer materials on the NTS as well as detail future robust testing approaches. Data Quality StatementThe project will ensure that data used is of sufficient quality to deliver project objectives through the development of a robust testing plan considering key variables which will be managed in the Phase 2 testing programme if required. The relevant data and background information will be stored for future access within the National Grid Innovation SharePoint site. The project will be split into 6 work packages:1) Work Package 1 – Determination of Materials in the NTS (Duration – 3 months)Lead – DNVEstablish and compile a register of engineered polymer components / coating systems etc (asset / location, component type, generic polymer type, manufacturer, relevant standard, history / age, failure records), present within the NTS and associated equipment. Material will be classified as gas facing or non-gas facing.DNV shall review industry standards, equipment lists, manufacturers/suppliers data sheets, maintenance records and maintenance management system databases, procurement records, stores and spare parts inventories, and conduct interviews with relevant site personnel.A gap analysis shall be performed to identify uncertainty and required actions to mitigate. 2) Work Package 2 – Impact of hydrogen on polymeric NTS materials (Duration – 3 months) Lead – DNVThis WP will review the available literature surrounding impact of high-pressure hydrogen on polymeric/elastomeric materials on the NTS.To assess the risks of high-pressure gaseous hydrogen on the application of polymeric materials a failure modes, effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) shall be performed. This shall draw on DNVs polymer global expertise working on both offshore and onshore oil and gas applications, inclusive of recent Joint Industry Projects activity looking at compatibility of polymerics for hydrogen applications. Identified risks and failure modes will be divided into categories on their nature and application and the criticality determined.The FEMCA will be supported by a comprehensive literature review of prior art knowledge in the public domain taken from academic research, industry programmes and standards in other sectors.The FMECA outputs shall identify actions to manage and mitigate identified failure modes which shall form the basis of a qualification plan. DNV will assess and compare industry qualification plan methodology, standards and codes (national, global) to manage identified failure modes to evidence fitness for purpose for high pressure gaseous hydrogen applications. 3) Work Package 3 – Establish expected service conditions (Duration – 3 months) Lead – DNVBased on the outputs of Phase 1, WP2 and using legacy GT historical experience the in-service conditions for identified polymeric engineered components within the NTS and associated equipment on conversion to hydrogen or hydrogen/natural gas blends will be established and compiled. 4) Work Package 4 – Establish functional, material property and maintenance requirements (Duration – 1 month) Lead – DNVBased on outputs of Phase 1, WP1, WP2 and WP3 the design basis and functionality of polymer components will be determined. The purpose of the design basis is to provide a common set of requirements against which all qualification activities and decisions can be assessed.A threat assessment will be undertaken using a knowledge of material property relationships and failure modes; potential threats will be mapped against functionality of the component and known in-service conditions to determine short-term and long-term failure risks that must be managed.From Phase 1, WP1 and WP2 the incumbent asset management repair and maintenance plans, schedules and activities for polymer systems will be assessed. Their suitability for gaseous hydrogen will be evaluated and risks identified. Actions to manage identified risks (if necessary) and cost implications will be determined. 5) Work Package 5 – Test and Validation Plan Proposal (Duration – 2 months) Lead – DNVThe NTS and associated equipment will utilise different generic polymer types for various applications ranging from seals to coatings. These polymer systems should have been subjected to qualification testing regimes to evidence fitness for purpose for their intended function and service life.Using outputs of WP1-4 the gaps in qualification for transportation of high-pressure hydrogen within the NTS and associated equipment will be elicited.DNV propose that relevant technology stakeholders are engaged to determine what testing evidence is available / planned (if any) to demonstrate that gaps can be closed out. In the event, that gaps remain DNV will discuss with industry partners how these can be closed out.In parallel DNV will develop a screening programme with the aim of evaluating the effect of high-pressure gaseous hydrogen on polymers identified in the NTS to tease out material failure modes and red flag any obvious compatibility issues. Testing will be conducted on base polymer properties to assess for deterioration in bulk material properties, change in dimension with time, wear performance and rapid gas decompressions resistance etc.This methodology will not validate polymer components for hydrogen use since qualification of a technology will be dependent on design, material properties, and effective industrialisation typically conducted by the technology developer. However, the qualification data shall provide supporting evidence that hydrogen does not pose immediate risk to polymers.In subsequent work packages outside this scope of works further component testing will be required to qualify the technology for gaseous hydrogen. 6) Work Package 6 – Standards & Reporting (Duration – 1 month) Lead – DNVThe final DNV findings shall be provided to NG in the following formats.1. Draft Technical report, subject to GT review before final submission.2. Draft Technical summary, subject to GT review before final submission.3. ENA closure report if required. The objectives for this project are to: Establish what polymeric/elastomeric materials are on the NTS and associated metadata o Material grades – including coatings and/or surface treatmentso Manufacturero Location – which assets, geographic location in NTSo Ageo Condition (level of existing damage) Determine expected hydrogen environment for materials o Pressures including variationo Temperatures including variationo External environment (soil/air/water etc.)o Gas composition (% H2) Define polymeric/elastomeric material functional and material property requirementso Function: E.g. Prevent gas escape (leak); Electrical isolationo Material Property: E.g. Elasticity; Hardness; Compression set; Stress relaxation; Permeation Capture details of polymeric/elastomeric material maintenance requirements o Is it a consumable? How often replaced? Cost of replacement?o Is it maintained? How? Cost of maintenance?o Is it fit & forget (i.e. no regular maintenance)? Cost or replacement? Propose test programme to validate polymeric/elastomeric materials for hydrogen supply.
Abstract Within the overall objective of re-purposing the NTS for hydrogen, there is current uncertainty as to the risk posed by degradation of polymeric (including elastomeric) materials when exposed to high-pressure hydrogen environments. To investigate this risk, it is proposed to conduct a project to compile a full list of all polymeric materials on the NTS alongside the expected hydrogen operating conditions for these components. The functional and material property requirements of the polymers can then be determined. In parallel, a review of the susceptibility of such polymeric materials to hydrogen damage will be undertaken. This work will inform the definition of a test programme to validate the performance of the polymeric materials in a hydrogen transmission system, where appropriate.

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Added to Database 14/10/22