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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/132015/01
Title ISOTHERM: Supply chain motivations
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 75%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 5%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Energy storage) 20%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Mixergy Limited
Award Type Feasibility Study
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 June 2015
End Date 31 August 2015
Duration 3 months
Total Grant Value £31,823
Industrial Sectors
Region South East
Programme Competition Call: 1501_FS_ENRG_ESSCS - Intergrated Supply Chains for Energy Systems. Activity Integrated supply chains for energy systems
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Mixergy Limited (20.431%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Upside Energy Limited (18.575%)
Project Contact , Maingate Enterprise Solutions Limited (19.951%)
Project Contact , University of Oxford Dept of Clinical Neurosciences (41.043%)
Web Site
Abstract Domestic hot water tanks are a pivotal element for an effective demand side management strategy. The UK has an estimated 13.9 million hot-water tanks, of which 59% use electricity as a primary or secondary energy source (this will rise as the UK moves towards DECC s vision of a 2050 low carbon economy). Currently, this represents an installed energy store of at least 43GWh, four times that of Dinorwig, UK's largest pumped hydro facility . By comparison in 2013, the peak generation deficit in the UK s electricity network over one half hour settlement period was 1.48GWh. This project brings together three SME's to address the creation of a supply (and value) chain to access this under-utilised storage capacity to deliver an effective DSM asset that responds to the dynamic needs of the grid. It will integrate novel hot water tank controls and decision making algorithms, with novel digital platforms and energy aggregators to allow end-user/supplier communications and effective supply chain business models.Domestic hot water tanks are a pivotal element for an effective demand side management strategy. The UK has an estimated 13.9 million hot-water tanks, of which 59% use electricity as a primary or secondary energy source (this will rise as the UK moves towards DECC s vision of a 2050 low carbon economy). Currently, this represents an installed energy store of at least 43GWh, four times that of Dinorwig, UK's largest pumped hydro facility . By comparison in 2013, the peak generation deficit in the UK s electricity network over one half hour settlement period was 1.48GWh. This project brings together three SME's to address the creation of a supply (and value) chain to access this under-utilised storage capacity to deliver an effective DSM asset that responds to the dynamic needs of the grid. It will integrate novel hot water tank controls and decision making algorithms, with novel digital platforms and energy aggregators to allow end-user/supplier communications and effective supply chain business models.Domestic hot water tanks are a pivotal element for an effective demand side management strategy. The UK has an estimated 13.9 million hot-water tanks, of which 59% use electricity as a primary or secondary energy source (this will rise as the UK moves towards DECC s vision of a 2050 low carbon economy). Currently, this represents an installed energy store of at least 43GWh, four times that of Dinorwig, UK's largest pumped hydro facility . By comparison in 2013, the peak generation deficit in the UK s electricity network over one half hour settlement period was 1.48GWh. This project brings together three SME's to address the creation of a supply (and value) chain to access this under-utilised storage capacity to deliver an effective DSM asset that responds to the dynamic needs of the grid. It will integrate novel hot water tank controls and decision making algorithms, with novel digital platforms and energy aggregators to allow end-user/supplier communications and effective supply chain business models.Domestic hot water tanks are a pivotal element for an effective demand side management strategy. The UK has an estimated 13.9 million hot-water tanks, of which 59% use electricity as a primary or secondary energy source (this will rise as the UK moves towards DECC s vision of a 2050 low carbon economy). Currently, this represents an installed energy store of at least 43GWh, four times that of Dinorwig, UK's largest pumped hydro facility . By comparison in 2013, the peak generation deficit in the UK s electricity network over one half hour settlement period was 1.48GWh. This project brings together three SME's to address the creation of a supply (and value) chain to access this under-utilised storage capacity to deliver an effective DSM asset that responds to the dynamic needs of the grid. It will integrate novel hot water tank controls and decision making algorithms, with novel digital platforms and energy aggregators to allow end-user/supplier communications and effective supply chain business models.

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Added to Database 06/12/17