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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal - WP5C - Hamilton Storage Development Plan

Citation Green, A. and D Gammer, D. Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal - WP5C - Hamilton Storage Development Plan, ETI, 2016. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000829.
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Author(s) Green, A. and D Gammer, D.
Project partner(s) Pale Blue Dot, Axis Well Technology, Costain
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000829
Download CCS_CC1026_10.pdf document type
  • Storage in the Ormskirk Sandstone in the faulted horst block known as Hamilton (UKCS block 110/13) in the East Irish Sea.
  • 3 well development of Hamilton from an unmanned platform supplied with CO2 from Point of Ayr via a 16” 26km pipeline.
  • Final investment decision in 2022 and first injection in 2026.
  • Capital investment of £114 million (PV10, 2015), equating to £0.9 for each tonne stored.
  • The store can contain the 125Mt from the assumed CO2 supply profile of 5Mt/y for 25 years.
  • Subsurface uncertainty is limited, but a complex transition needs to be engineered between early gas phase injection and later liquid phase injection.
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC1026: Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal
Associated Dataset(s)

Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal Project

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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal Project - Site 19: Hamilton

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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal Project - Site 7: Bunter Closure 36

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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal - Level 2 Cost Estimate - SITE 5: Viking Minimum Viable Development

Associated Publication(s)

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