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Heat Infrastructure Development Project - Solution Route Maps Report

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This project seeks to identify the innovative solutions needed to deliver major reductions in the capital cost of heat network infrastructure and accelerate its deployment. Examining the technical, process and system developments needed to deliver a step change reduction in the capital costs, along with cost estimates and time frames for undertaking these developments. District heat networks supply heat to homes and businesses through pipes carrying hot water. They have great potential to deliver CO2 emissions reductions and cost benefits through the use of low carbon heat, waste heat from power stations, industry and other sources, combined heat and power, and large-scale heat pump deployment.

This report sets out the route maps developed during Stage 3 of the project to achieve full commercial deployment of each of the highest priority solutions. Each route map sets out the challenge addressed, the proposed solution, the barriers to development, development requirements, commercialisation requirements and a plan of work comprising a number of activities. It covers eight road maps:

  • A - Knowledge Management, Research and Training
  • B - Low Flow Rate Design
  • C - Radical Routes
  • D - Trenchless Solutions
  • E - Improved Front End Design and Planning
  • F - Shared Civils
  • G - Direct Hydraulic Interface Unit (HIU) System and Existing Domestic Hot Water Storage
  • H - HIU Optimisation

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2437137 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report


Energy Storage and Distribution