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Heavy Duty Vehicles: Efficiency Opportunity, Options, Demonstration and Barriers - Presentation

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ETI’s Chief Technical Officer Chris Thorne presented “Heavy Duty Vehicles: Efficiency Opportunity, Options, Demonstration and Barriers” at the Low Carbon Vehicles (LCV) conference in 2016

  • HDVs represent an opportunity to cost effectively decarbonise the UK energy system across a range of abatement and cost levels
  • In the first instance, the ETI’s efficiency projects have shown that a 30% reduction in fuel efficiency across the UK fleet can be achieved with reasonable payback periods
  • Properly sourced and managed natural gas when coupled to a low methane slip powertrain can provide further CO2(equivalent) benefits
  • As the UK transitions to a very low CO2 energy system (circa 2040 to 2050), further ‘carbon priced’ HDV options could become attractive
  • The marginal carbon price will be a function ofthe other technologies deployed in the energy system (e.g. CCS versus no CCS), but thresholds can be set using the ETI’s ESME tool
  • Barriers exist in the uptake of fuel efficiency technologies and new tools, techniques and policies are required to overcome them –a subject for future work

Publication Year:





Thorne, C.

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United Kingdom

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Transport - Heavy Duty Vehicles