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EPSRC Manifest Supercapacitor System Efficiency Test, Newcastle University


The experiments were conducted using an Energy Storage System (ESS) in the Smart Grid laboratory at Newcastle University, that includes transformers and converters interfacing to the grid, and various energy storage assets. They tested the efficiency of the system components, including the supercapacitor bank and associated power converters. Tests were performed to control the supercapacitor power steps, while measuring power at the terminals of each system component. Efficiencies of the system components for various initial values of supercapacitor state of charge (SoC) are presented in the data files and accompanying report.

The data were collected as part of an experiment within the MANIFEST project to demonstrate the efficiency of the supercapacitor energy storage system and associated power converters in the Smart Grid Laboratory at Newcastle University, UK.

The EPSRC funded Multi-scale ANalysis for Facilities for Energy STorage (Manifest) Project (EP/N032888/1) aimed to study and investigate the capabilities of energy storage systems installed in UK Universities.


Thomas John, Research Associate, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK


Charalampos Patsios, Senior Lecturer in Power Systems, Newcastle University, UK


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Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

Thomas John, Research Associate, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK (2020). EPSRC Manifest Supercapacitor System Efficiency Test, Newcastle University [Data set]. Charalampos Patsios, Senior Lecturer in Power Systems, Newcastle University, UK. https://ukerc.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=39122836-0b65-43bd-87e1-770000e8796b

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

21/01/2020 - 21/01/2020

Data Date Range:

21/01/2020 - 21/01/2020

Data type:

Time Series

Data format:




Number of Units:


Unit Type:

Smart Grid Laboratory

Number of Records:



Date (yyyy-mm-dd), Time (ss.sss), SoC (%), SC Voltage (V), SC Power (KW), DC/DC Converter Power (kW), Inverter Power (kW), Transformer Power (kW), SC Efficiency, Converter Efficiency, Inverter Efficiency, Transformer Efficiency, Overall System Efficiency