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Interviews with actors concerned with local transport decarbonisation in the UK, 2018-2023

This resource links to an external website containing a dataset collection


Interviews with actors concerned with local transport decarbonisation in the UK, including challenges related to finance, governance arrangements, and public support. Data were collected using a series of 54 interviews, spread equally across three case study sites: 18 Nottingham, 18 Leeds, and 18 Oxford. Of those, 12 of the Nottingham interviews, all 18 of the Leeds interviews, and 8 of the Oxford interviews are shared in this data deposit (the rest did not give permission for their data to be deposited). The interviews were designed to reveal different local perspectives on areas recent attempts to decarbonise their transport system. The initial introduction to each participant was facilitated by pre-existing professional contacts, after which subsequent participants were identified by snowballing (i.e. feedback from interview participants) in combination with criteria-specific identification (i.e. from a review of published local authority documents


Schwanen, T, University of Oxford., Marsden, G, University of Leeds., Haines-Doran, T, University of Leeds., Verlinghieri, E, University of Oxford.,



Field Dates:

01/01/2018 - 31/12/2023

Data Date Range:

01/01/2018 - 31/12/2023

Data type:

No datatype supplied

Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:

No unit numbers supplied

Unit Type:

No units supplied

Number of Records:

No records supplied


No parameters supplied


Rights not recorded

Rights Overview:

Rights are not recorded within the edc, check the data source for details

Further information:


