The data are the results of tests carried out in a project funded by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) to model at reduced scale, the consequences of a flameout in a full-size combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) when running on high hydrogen fuel mixtures. The High Hydrogen data set includes data from 69 Circular Duct Tests and 76 tests with a Heat Recovery Steam Generator. The data are further described by read me files in each directory and by reports in the directory Supporting_Documentation.Phase 1 data (Circular Duct tests 1 - 69 and Heat Recovery Steam Generator tests 1 to 17) were added in December 2017. Phase 2 data (Heat Recovery Steam Generator tests 18 to 76) were added in December 2019, when this catalogue entry was updated accordingly.
The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), Imperial College London.
The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)
No DOI minted
Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):
The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), Imperial College London. (2011). High Hydrogen [Data set]. The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI).
Energy Category
Class Name:
Subclass Name:
Category Name:
Field Dates:
29/07/2011 - 07/06/2019
Data Date Range:
29/07/2011 - 07/06/2019
Data type:
Time Series
Data format:
No format supplied
Number of Units:
Unit Type:
Number of Records:
Flame ionisation detectors (detecting change in voltage), optical probes (detecting change in voltage), pressure, temperature.
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI High Hydrogen)
Rights Overview:
Use of these data indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the High Hydrogen Project - ETI Open Licence for Materials. You must acknowledge the source of the data as indicated in the licence.
Related Dataset(s):
No related datasets
Related Project(s):
Related Publications(s):
High Hydrogen - Basis of Design Document for HSL WP2 Task 3 HRSG Test Rig for ETI - Second Rig
High Hydrogen - Auto-Ignition of Hydrogen Rich Mixtures in Hot Combustion Products
High Hydrogen - Basis of Design Document For Test Rig - Draft document v1.0
High Hydrogen - Basis of Design Document for HSL WP2 Task 2 Test rig for ETI
High Hydrogen - Basis of Design Document for HSL WP2 Task 3 HRSG Test Rig for ETI - First Rig
High Hydrogen - Experimental results, detailed analysis, evaluation and recommendations
High Hydrogen - Interim Project Report: Experimental results and detailed analysis
High Hydrogen - Literature review of CCGT/CCGE/CHP systems operating on high hydrogen content gases.
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