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An ETI Perspective - Consumers, Vehicles and Energy Integration (CVEI): Understanding the changes needed to markets and energy supply to encourage a wider take up of plug-in vehicles

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A key aim of the project is to understand the changes that will be required to markets and energy supply systems to allow for a high deployment of plug-in vehicles, identifying the technical implications of such a shift and predicting how people might respond to any such transition.  The results are envisaged to benefit vehicle users, vehicle manufacturers and organisations throughout the energy supply chain.

The first stage of the project which completed in the Autumn of 2016 has focussed on detailed design and analysis to characterise:

  • Market, policy and regulatory frameworks
  • Business models and customer offerings
  • Integrated vehicle and infrastructure systems and technologies using electricity, liquid fuel and hydrogen
  • Consumer and fleet attitudes to adoption and usage behaviours
The second phase which started at the end of 2016,will deliver a trial involving 440 mass-market users (not early adopters of electric vehicles) to validate the impact of solutions identifi ed in the first stage. This will help to understand both consumer and fleet responses to the vehicles tested (battery electric, plug-in hybrid and normal combustion engine) and to managed charging schemes.

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5741441 B


Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials

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The Energy Technologies Institute is making this document available to use under the Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials. Please refer to the Energy Technologies Institute website for the terms and conditions of this licence. The Information is licensed "as is" and the Energy Technologies Institute excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Energy Technologies Institute is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. This exclusion of liability includes, but is not limited to, any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages in each case such as loss of revenue, data, anticipated profits, and lost business. The Energy Technologies Institute does not guarantee the continued supply of the Information. Notwithstanding any statement to the contrary contained on the face of this document, the Energy Technologies Institute confirms that it has the right to publish this document.

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Policy Briefing Paper


Transport - Light Duty Vehicles

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