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NGCT2 Gas Capture - Dispatch modelling for CCGT CCS plant

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This project is a part of Next Gen 2 Technology Evaluation (Gas Capture) Project. The objective of this project was to understand the potential electricity system environment for CCGT with CCS and assess the impact of different technical characteristics on asset operating profiles and wider system dispatch.

Key messages

  • Overall the impact of changing CCGT with CCS technical parameters on whole system CO2 emissions and generation costs are small (however, there are some caveats in relation to the perfect foresight modelling)
  • Changes in the market conditions such as interconnection and storage have a larger impact on system generation and the levels of flexibility provided by CCGT CCS plant.
  • In the Base case, a CCGT CCS plant has an annual average load factor of ca 75%, indicating it is running baseload whenever it can but is providing downwardflexibility in times of high wind generation.
  • CCGT CCS plant require around 70-80 starts per year in the Base market environment. However, with storage at current levels or a higher cost of imports, the requirement can increase to around 130-140 starts per year.
  • One caveat to note is that perfect foresight with a 3 day look ahead is used in the Plexos model, which could not be achieved in reality. This allows the model to optimise around wind and demand variations and may therefore underestimate the importance of flexibility parameters like ramp rates

Publication Year:






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2304542 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report




Carbon Capture and Storage