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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal - WP5E - Viking A Storage Development Plan

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  • Storage of CO2 in the Permian Leman Sandstone in the faulted horst block known as Viking A (UKCS block 49/12) in the Southern North Sea.
  • Three well development of Viking A from a new unmanned platform supplied with CO2 from Barmston via a 20” 185 km pipeline.
  • Final investment decision in 2027 and first injection in 2031.
  • The site stores 130Mt of CO2, 5Mt/y for 26 years.
  • Capital investment of £150 million (PV10, 2015), equating to £1.2 for each tonne stored.
  • Capacity uncertainty is low, but can be reduced further through access to operator data (well rates and pressures)
  • Heating is required to achieve the target injection rate in the initial very low reservoir pressure conditions

Publication Year:





James, A., Baines, S. and McCollough, S.

Energy Category

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20151119 B


Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report




Carbon Capture and Storage