The primary objective of the Storage & Flexibility Modelling Project is to develop the capability toimprove understanding of the future role of energy storage and the provision of system flexibility within the context of the overall energy system. This aims to provide a techno-economic evaluation of energy storage across multiple energy vectors (electricity, heat, gas and hydrogen) accounting for the different services that could be provided (frequency response or avoiding wind curtailment) and at which points in energy system (transmission, distribution, building level) they are most appropriate.
Stage 1 of the project is comprised of 3 deliverables - of which this is the third :
Publication Year:
Humphry, L, and Greenleaf, J.
Energy Categories
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1908879 B
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The Energy Technologies Institute is making this document available to use under the Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials. Please refer to the Energy Technologies Institute website for the terms and conditions of this licence. The Information is licensed "as is" and the Energy Technologies Institute excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Energy Technologies Institute is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. This exclusion of liability includes, but is not limited to, any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages in each case such as loss of revenue, data, anticipated profits, and lost business. The Energy Technologies Institute does not guarantee the continued supply of the Information. Notwithstanding any statement to the contrary contained on the face of this document, the Energy Technologies Institute confirms that it has the right to publish this document.
Further information:
United Kingdom
Publication Type:
Energy Storage and Distribution
Related Dataset(s):
No related datasets
Related Project(s):
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