Rights: Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By)
A survey was undertaken with UK energy and climate change stakeholders involved in and/or effected by Brexit - it was undertaken as part of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKRC) funded project on 'Brexit and UK Net Zero Energy Policy'. The survey was designed to ascertain views on the implications of Brexit for energy and climate change policy and politics, and to build knowledge about actual effects in practice. There were 83 respondents - from UK government (Westminster and devolved), business (mainly energy industry and finance), think tanks and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics researching Brexit, and representatives of EU countries.
This is an evidence base of available literature on the impacts of offshore wind farm (OWF) developments and the outcomes for marine ecosystem services. The evidence was collated through a systematic search of global primary literature (also known as peer-reviewed or published literature) and UK grey literature regarding the impacts of OWF developments (the scope for including global grey literature was unfeasible). Grey literature refers to multiple types of report or document, and is defined as: "information produced on all levels of government, academia, business and industry in electronic and print formats not controlled by commercial publishing" i.e. where publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body(ICGL, 1997). Data was extracted from each evidence source, for each subject or marine ecosystem component that was impacted by the OWF development, the phase of development, the specific pressure and other relevant information about the wind farm or location. Expert judgement was used to map each piece of evidence for impacts on the marine environment according to CICES (Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services) or MEA (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment) and other published classification systems for ecosystem services (Ryfield et al., 2019; Hooper et al., 2020). The dataset was created to provide a central evidence base of available primary and grey literature regarding the impacts of OWF developments (for construction, operational and decommissing phases) on ecosystem service outcomes in the marine environment. The primary literature represents a global semi-systematic search, while the grey literature is restricted to a semi-systematic search for reports and documents from the UK (that also include wind farms in adjacent waters). The database provides a comprehensive list of available literature on this topic, and it enables the assessment and comparison of the evidence for enviromental impacts and ecosystem service outcomes between primary and grey literature sources. This will be critical for marine policy makers when gathering evidence for future OWF developments and advances understanding of the impacts and trade-offs associated with OWF and ecosystem services. A tool (currently in development by Plymouth Marine Laboratory) will improve accessibility of the data for this purpose. This research was funded by the UKERC Phase 4 research programme.
Global, open-access, harmonised spatial datasets of wind and solar installations from OpenStreetMap data. Also included: user friendly code to enable users to easily create newer versions of the dataset; first order estimates of power capacities of installations. Data article, data, meta data and code available.
Public opposition to new energy technology can harm the chances of successful deployment. Less is known about knock-on effects on the wider energy system, including whether such opposition impacts public perceptions of other technologies. Here we present a mixed-methods study into perception spillover, examining whether the controversy over fracking for oil and gas affects public attitudes to two novel low-carbon energy technologies: deep enhanced geothermal systems, and green hydrogen. We argue that perception spillover is multi-faceted, and we conceptualise and test spontaneous, prompted and primed forms, examining how and why particular types occur. Using a nationally-representative UK survey and two focus groups, we show that perception spillover from fracking could lead to widespread negative perceptions of deep geothermal energy, influencing the conditions which deep geothermal would be expected to meet. Conversely, a minority of participants expressed more positive perceptions of green hydrogen because they deemed it dissimilar to fracking.Flexible fund project under the UK Unconventional Hydrocarbons project. Aims to understand the impact of fracking on public perceptions of other energy technologies This is a linked dataset held in the UKDS
Energy systems are changing rapidly, bringing new types of risks, and new forms of potential disruption to energy supplies. Our growing dependence on energy, particularly electricity, means that more than ever we need to plan for disruptions and be prepared for them. What happens during the disruption is important: we need to understand how individuals, communities and organisations experience the event, and what measures can be taken to reduce the overall impacts. This study investigates how people and communities in the city of Glasgow (Scotland) might be expected to respond to a lengthy, widespread disruption to energy supplies. A novel three-stage diary-interview methodology was used to explore energy practices and expectations dependency, and to understand the ways in which peoples experience of disruptions may change in the coming decade. The results show that the most consistent determinant of participants perceived resilience, over and above socio-demographic factors, is their expectations and their degree of dependency on routine. In addition, the results suggest that common assumptions regarding peoples vulnerability may be misplaced, and are shifting rapidly as digital dependency grows, and are sometimes misplaced: in particular, determinants such as age and income should not be seen as straightforward proxies for vulnerability. A new set of indicators of vulnerability are identified. For longer outages, peoples ability to cope will likely decrease with duration in a non-linear step-change fashion, as interdependent infrastructures and services are affected. Community-level actions can improve resilience, and local scales may be more appropriate for identifying vulnerabilities than socio-demographic proxies, but this is only feasible if organisations and institutions are adequately resourced.Recent events have highlighted the potential impact of long, widespread energy supply interruptions, and the need for resilience is likely to create a requirement for greater flexibility from both the electricity and gas systems. This project will examine the engineering risks, and assess the need for new industry standards to drive appropriate action; and conduct a systematic assessment of the impacts of a serious energy disruption on consumers and critical services, such as heating, water, communications, health and transport. This dataset is held in the UKDS
The datasets available for download include:1. The thermal characteristics for 16 dwelling categories for all the LSOAs in England and Wales before and after considering energy efficiency measures.2. The magnitude and duration of positive and negative flexibility services that can be provided by air source heat pumps in dwellings at local authority level. Dates refer to the input data to the model.
This spreadsheet contains the results for the article, "Meeting the costs of decarbonising industry – the potential effects on prices and competitiveness (a case study of the UK)". These include projected impacts for industrial process decarbonisation (costs, fuel use, residual emissions), for key years (2030, 2040, 2050), distributed in the following ways:
Directly allocated to industrial sector in which they occur
Shared between sectors in proportion to the share of GVA of each supply chain
Embodied in final products
Embodied in final products, aggregated to consumption patterns
The source of the projections and the method to perform the distribution are described in detail in the associated article.
This data set presents the underlying data used to produce the results for the UKERC working paper: Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Pathways for UK Industry or by searching the UKERC Publications section of this website. These data are the outputs of a how the The Net-Zero Industry Pathways (N-ZIP) model results are affected by changing a wider range of inputs than have been previously studied. The Net-Zero Industry Pathways (N-ZIP) model, developed by Element Energy, has been used by both the Climate Change Committee (CCC) and the Government to explore how industry can be decarbonised in way that is consistent with the UKs netzero greenhouse gas (GHG) target. This data set presents the underlying data used to produce the results for the UKERC working paper: Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Pathways for UK Industry or by searching the UKERC Publications section of this website.
Annual heat demand data for England and Wales at Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level, before and after energy efficiency measures. Normalised half-hourly profiles for heat production and energy consumption of different heating technologies. Costs for energy efficiency measures by local authority. The three datasets available for download include:
Annual heat demand data before and after adopting energy efficiency measures for 16 dwelling categories for all the LSOAs in England and Wales.
Normalised half-hourly profiles for the heat production and energy consumption of air-source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, gas boilers and resistance heaters based on the UK average daily outside air temperature profile from 2013
The estimated costs to implement the energy efficiency measures to reach the annual heat demand displayed in the annual heat demand dataset, for each local authority in England and Wales.
This data set was updated on 14/10/2021. The top-level folder holds the latest version and a README file detailing the changes. The original version is retained in a sub-folder.
This dataset relates to the modelling component of the UKERC Phase 4 Project '4.2a Investment in infrastructure'. The aim is to assess the scale of investment risks in the electricity generation sector associated with uncertainty over the pathway towards net zero. The model comprises three components:1. Input data. Based in Excel, contains the scenario assumptions on the electricity system including generation technologies, wind and solar power availability, demand profiles, interconnector and storage capacities etc.2. Modelling files based on the open-source Antares modelling framework. This requires additional free software to be able to run the model. The model calculates the hourly dispatch of all types of plant included in the system.3. Excel-based financial model, based on post-processing the output of the Antares model.Additional 1_Metadata.xls, Input_ReadMe and Outputs_ReadMe files explain the method for running each step of the modelling process. Software available at https://antares-simulator.org/. Version used 8.0.2
The Public Engagement Observatory of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) maps the many different ways that people are engaging with energy, climate change and net zero on an ongoing basis.It openly shares, experiments with, and undertakes these mappings with others to help make energy and climate-related decisions, innovations and participation more just, responsible and responsive to society. As part of this activity there is an interactive mapping dataset of diverse cases of public participation and engagement with energy, climate change and net zero occurring in the UK since 2010. Here you can explore multiple different cases of public engagement, and filter the case study dataset based on the form, topic, participants and location of engagement. https://ukerc-observatory.ac.uk/mapping/explore/
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